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I like how the flavor text in the m10 fabricate is the same guy in this one. His big master plan was this terrible card.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/20/2010 10:05:08 PM)


I would love to Training Grounds+March of the Machines a Rod, just to see the look on my opponents face as one of the most terrible pingers beat the crap out of them.
Posted By: BastianQoU (5/11/2011 11:32:50 PM)


Before revised, Artifacts (noncreature variety) came in three different types. Mono Artifacts, Poly Artifacts, and Continuous Artifacts. Mono artifacts could only be used once per turn (either set of turns until it comes back to you, or once during your turn only... it's been a while and I can't remember the exact details). Poly artifacts could be used as many times as desired, and of course continuous artifacts worked constantly.
They removed the convention and simply added tap to the cost of using a Mono Artifacts ability, so in effect, before revised, the cards worked pretty much the same as after revised.

"Even a card like Acolyte of Xathrid would at least let you equip it with a Quietus Spike."
Acolyte of Xathrid does not cause combat damage by tapping, nor does it actually cause damage at all, but rather causees the player to lose life. Even IF the Acolyte manages to get through, it's power is 0 and doesn't cause damage at all, so Quietus Spike wouldn't be... (see all)
Posted By: takieda (6/24/2010 9:14:42 PM)


So, by "ruin" it means the player's game is ruined by playing such a horribly overcosted card, right?
Posted By: Ange-Gardien (6/25/2011 11:12:32 AM)


Looks like you mixed up the damage and collector's number there.

also obligatory "stop printing this please"
Posted By: tenkaze (2/22/2010 9:28:56 PM)


Did anyone else notice that on the printings before Revised, you don't actually have to tap it? That would've actually made it decent, not great, but usable. Did they change it because they thought it was too powerful at the time, or was it because of some weird rule change regarding artifacts?

@Bishop: If I understand what you're asking correctly, the answer is Shatter, Naturalize, Disenchant, Putrefy, Maelstrom Pulse, and the like.
Posted By: achilleselbow (4/17/2010 12:05:31 AM)


Rod of Ruin can actually be very good in Limited in this block. Takes out lots of annoying chump blockers like Child of the Night. Also takes out evil clocks like Royal Assassin or Pyromancer that can be bad-news-bears even in late game. The cost is very high--but in foramts like Sealed and Draft that shouldn't matter too much. Play it turn 6 or 7 when you have nothing else to play and use it as a combat trick that can be reused over and over again. or use it as a clock.

Also helps against things with Protection from X, where X is your primary color.

Again, not the most amazing card ever. Not a first pick, but not a last pick.
Posted By: kitsunewarlock (3/19/2010 1:10:35 PM)


And it won't be printed in M11. (And there was much rejoicing!) Yay!
Posted By: 4wallz (6/11/2010 5:03:31 AM)


Finally, out. and stay out
Posted By: OutlawD1 (6/11/2010 1:11:12 PM)


Posted By: Kryptnyt (8/3/2010 6:02:00 PM)


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