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reprint plz!
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (10/19/2013 8:23:13 PM)


"There are few problems that can't be solved by putting a hole in the world."
-Lux Cannon (Easily able to do this... faster and as much as you want.)

Nowadays, we don't have to use powerful one-shot cards. We use re-usable ones that SEEM like they have been limited enough to be balanced... but aren't.

To note something actually nice with this though: Panoptic Mirror. Blast one permanent every following turn.
Posted By: JarieSuicune (11/19/2013 7:45:13 AM)


Every time I look at this I go back and forth about whether that's a TIE fighter or not.
Oh, and I guess the effect's good too. Combos with Quicken.
I can see this being reprinted at instant speed for {2}{W}{B}. I'd like to see that.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (11/26/2013 12:54:43 PM)


Someone could say this was the coolest card ever and honestly I don't think I would try and argue with them.

There are quite a few targeted removals better than this in the tournament sense to include Swords to Plowshares, Terminate, Mortify, and Putrefy, but none of them are even close to as cool as this card.

The only card like this that I might think could be cooler would be one that read "Exile Target Permanent" but such a card just doesn't exist (yet). Even if they did print that card it would need to have an epic name, sick art, and cool flavor text to compete with this bad boy in that way.

Someone else here said "Vindicate is and will always be the best removal spell ever printed" but in the tournament sense this just isn't true, I am sorry. The best targeted removal from a tournament playability standpoint is easily Swords to Plowshares, which is why you see it played in tons of big events at... (see all)
Posted By: FlashCaster (12/2/2013 1:50:38 AM)


Posted By: TexasDice (12/11/2013 4:49:04 AM)


i am going to be the odd one out and say, i like the sorin one more... its the judge promo, and oh boy is sorin awesome. ya urza is cooler, but this card has a GARRARD quote.
Posted By: Quotations (2/15/2014 9:37:12 PM)


I played this once targeting a creature. It regenerated. I frowned, put Vindicate in the graveyard, and resolved to not overestimate cards based on their reputations. Just as bad as underestimating them. Still an easy 5/5. Who doesn't want to "Destroy target permanent"? Awesome.
Posted By: Pongdok (2/20/2014 11:08:08 AM)


I see people complaining about the price of this card... Maybe for a casual player, but in legacy (which is where this card gets played) it's actually pretty reasonable considering you're spending $1000-2000+ on lands alone in most competitive decks. Underground Sea is like $250 right now! And that's for one that's been played a bunch... I think paying $25 and 3 mana to destroy target permanent isn't too bad, or am I crazy? We all might be, since we're just trading paper (money) for other pieces of paper (magic cards). Whatever, it's definitely cooler and more intellectually stimulating than most crap people are into now.
Posted By: gunkookshlinger (4/1/2014 7:21:44 PM)


It's funny how three words can say so much. Just an "I Love You" or "Destroy Target Permanent".
Posted By: FelixKam (6/2/2014 2:26:08 PM)


I've played Magic since it's inception and this card is amazing. I typically favor 'generic' removal spells in my decks, such as disenchant, removal spells with optional targets, because they are the best kind, imo. Swords to Plowshares being one of the few exceptions. For the simple reason that if you never use a card you draw, that is a waste of a draw and very likely a complete turn, whereas a card that can target multiple types has the best chance to have a valid target and the best chance to be playable. Vindicate has a valid target virtually 100% of the time. The sorcery speed of it is a drawback, but more than made up for by it's versatility. Any deck than can, should play 4 vidicates, with a sideboard of 2 swords and 2 disenchant.

As good a card as you can get.

Posted By: dakkon_moxerson (6/7/2014 6:52:08 AM)


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