Army of the Damned seems to like this card :D
Posted By:
(10/20/2011 3:49:54 AM)
combos with Gwendlyn Di Corci
Posted By:
(10/21/2013 8:43:31 AM)
I love this card; goes great with Expanses, Wilds, and even taplands.
Posted By:
(7/20/2010 1:07:19 PM)
This + vivid lands.
Posted By:
(12/14/2010 10:53:15 AM)
I like this card. Mind you, it's largely unplayable in constructed.
But it combos with everything that enters the field tapped. It's a very pluripotent card, and as such is subject to re-evaluation every time a new card comes along that could benefit it.
Posted By:
(1/16/2011 6:34:54 AM)
Some really cool combos to be discovered with this card, and at only 1 mana!
Great card, 4.5/5
Posted By:
(1/20/2011 5:02:35 PM)
I have a single copy in my Ninja deck for two reasons: my Creeping Tar Pits come into play untapped, and when I Ninjutsu my ninjas come into play untapped and attacking (a little phenomenon I like to call "Ninjutsu Vigilance"). With the right equipment in play, it's pretty handy!
Posted By:
(2/14/2011 11:12:59 AM)
@jlowther - How could you have four of these and four Evolving Wilds on turn 5? You couldn't have cast the Amulets without playing some other lands, and if you played other lands then you wouldn't have had enough turns to play 4 Evolving Wilds. You would probably have needed to have used at least two ramp spells (no 2cmc ramp spells that I know of let you fetch two lands so your best bet would be something like Explore), but in that case why not just play/fetch actual lands you could use? Yes, in this modified example you would have 18 mana available on turn 5 (or 22 if you play a fifth land) for some huge spell. But part of that is a function of wasting your earlier turns (8 unused mana on turns 2-4 in the case I'm using) and giving your opponent time to set themselves up. You're also putting all your eggs in the basket of that one spell (whether it be a fireball or whatever) - if it's countered/prevented/redirected, you're pretty much screwed.
I get what your point is - the power ... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/19/2011 12:57:05 PM)
Very fun card, although it needs multiples to be really effective and there don't seem to be any good combos in standard apart from terramorphic expanse.
Most of the land shenanigans with this can be done better with lotus cobra.
Posted By:
(4/14/2011 3:32:55 PM)