Great enabler for playing all tap lands. You use the Ravnica dual lands on the first turn, as well as the Alara shrines, not to mention the many tap lands in Zendikar. Really, this is a 5-star card for such great efficiency!
Posted By:
(6/21/2012 1:12:12 AM)
This card is actually very good. I put it in my EDH and a friend told me it was no good (only sideboard material). I laughed and proceeded to play Evolving Wilds, Primeval Titan, and Boundless Realms, to name a few. Having untapped permanents is very useful.
Plus it's a great counter to Urabrask.
Posted By:
(9/11/2012 5:52:24 PM)
Clarion Ultimatum anyone?
Posted By:
(12/29/2012 4:29:27 AM)
Turn 1: Glimmerpost, this.
Do I really need to explain where this is going?
Posted By:
(1/1/2013 7:58:16 AM)
So, to name a few cards that will have combo potential for practically forever, this is definitely one of them.
Posted By:
(4/6/2013 1:27:04 PM)
Because sometimes ninjitsu just isn't awesome enough on its own.
Posted By:
(4/20/2013 1:20:25 PM)
Think it seems stupid? Try this:
Turn 1: Land, Amulet of Vigor.
Turn 2: Tap your land for mana, then play Golgari Rot Farm/Gruul Turf/Selesnya Sanctuary/Simic Growth Chamber returning your first land to your hand. Amulet will trigger and untap your new bounceland. Tap your bounceland for two mana and play Summer Bloom. Play a second bounceland from your hand as your second land for the turn, returning your first one. Amulet triggers on the second bounceland, untapping it. Tap it for two mana, then replay your first bounceland for your third land of the turn, returning the second bounceland to your hand. Amulet triggers and untaps the land. Tap it for two mana, then play the second bounceland again as your fourth land of the turn, returning the first bounceland to your hand. Amulet triggers and untaps the land. Tap it for two mana. With 7 mana in your mana pool, including at least 2... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/21/2013 1:50:12 PM)
Combos with any shockland
Posted By:
(5/12/2013 11:16:28 AM)
I love this card, and can see it has some awesome potential, particularly with lands of all sorts and Orb of Dreams, . The only problem is I can't seem to find a slot for it in any of my decks. In order to actually justify taking up slots in the deck for these, the deck almost needs to be centered around it. This is unfortunate, but doesn't stop this card from being totally rad if used properly.
Posted By:
(7/23/2013 10:59:07 PM)
Actually makes lands that come in tapped - like guildgates, tri-lands, etc more useful by untapping them (and with multiple Amulets out, you can tap them between Amulet triggers, getting more mana out of them?)??? Shweet.
Of course, IMO, the awesomeness applies to more than just lands that come in untapped - other permanents that would otherwise come in tapped benefit greatly from this. :D
Posted By:
(1/29/2014 11:03:04 AM)