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Community Rating: 4.431 / 5  (108 votes)
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Goodbye Woolly Thoctar, Vampire NIghthawk, Lotus Cobra, Leatherback Baloth, Hypnotic Specter, Manlands, Tokens...

There's a reason why MBA/MBC runs this more than any other removal save diabolic edict: it kills zoo. It kills everything worth killing. For everything else there's Perish.
Posted By: spectermonger (6/11/2010 11:19:47 PM)


Seems like anyone playing a Psychatog against you is just begging for this.
Posted By: Carnophage_4ever (8/16/2010 10:53:47 PM)


Love the new art. Without a doubt, as functional or even better of a reprint than Harrow.
Posted By: DonRoyale (1/29/2010 2:18:05 PM)


It is of course in the set against multikicker creatures. I think it will also be great against power creeps however.
Posted By: garbagegatherer (1/30/2010 5:43:12 AM)


Effective against levelers. Murders Mortician Beetle and vampires in general. Will only increase in value once Alara rotates out.
Posted By: hexaetherion (5/1/2010 4:42:13 PM)


I'm glad I kept my copies till now.
Posted By: True_Mumin (2/1/2010 12:24:13 PM)


Destroy target Tarmogoyf
Posted By: RazzmatazzTheGreat (10/23/2010 12:57:32 PM)


Oh how I miss the fun of smothering a morphed Exalted Angel.
Posted By: zombietomb (1/31/2010 4:15:19 AM)


this spell certainly has its place, but that place is harder to find given all of the removal in t2. in decks with both black and red, terminate trumps. A more balanced comparison is this with disfigure or urge to feed. Disregarding the benefit of urge to feed in vampire strategies, and looking at the two from a functionality standpoint, smother seems to act as a hybrid between urge to feed and doom blade.

Doom blade and smother share the bonus of being able to kill all of the manlands, the token created by broodmate dragon, etc., while urge to feed often does not have the oomph. However, doom blade has the disadvantage of being utterly powerless in 1/5 of the color wheel, an advantage of both smother and urge to feed. In the same vein, doom blade can kill big cmc, big toughness threats like baneslayer, etc.

Thus, smother has some advantages of both, as well as some disadvantages of both. It is certainly a useful card, and I expect it will see play in multicolor strategies that do no... (see all)
Posted By: Grimn777 (2/4/2010 2:22:51 PM)


Actually, Ken Nagle talked about Smother in an interview on the Magic Show.
He said he submitted it to the Worldwake Design File because of the multitude of good token makers and the presence of manlands.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (3/6/2010 5:19:51 PM)


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