kill's zoo that's for sure
Posted By:
(2/17/2010 1:11:42 PM)
My opinion is that this card's generally outdone by doom blade in standard. Doom blade is only really a dead card vs vampires. Smother is always relevant, but you're guaranteed to run into a couple of creatures it can't kill (baneslayer, bloodbraid, etc).
However, in extended, where decks can run lower cmc, more efficient creatures (tarmogoyf, dark confidant, etc), this is great. it might actually be why wizards decided to reprint this now, since onslaught rotated out recently if I'm not mistaken.
Posted By:
(5/25/2010 6:45:05 AM)
It's so fun to Smother a feline creature. Think of the synynom for cat and you'll understand.
Posted By:
(9/7/2010 7:54:09 PM)
i lol'ed at the art
Posted By:
(3/20/2010 6:03:39 PM)
Yessir. Terminate, and Dark Temper were way to weak by themselves. : P Thanks wizards.
Posted By:
(1/29/2010 11:58:19 PM)
I was hoping the art would be more cool then than the previous. Nevertheless, it's still a great card. Good bye Woolly Thoctar. I just hate it when they cast on turn 3 or cascade out.
Posted By:
(1/30/2010 8:16:24 AM)
hmmm still a little weak compared to some older removal cards, but reasonable for 2 mana I guess, I would still play Gatekeeper over this anyday.
Posted By:
(1/30/2010 3:33:07 AM)
I'm glad to see it again.
Posted By:
(2/7/2010 11:04:37 AM)
Destroys the over-priced TARMOGOYF as well.
Posted By:
(2/18/2010 11:34:55 PM)
I guess it could be sideboarded in every black t2 deck.
"You'll better not play creature lands!"
Posted By:
(2/28/2010 3:34:09 AM)