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Community Rating: 4.101 / 5  (313 votes)
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Me and my friends call him Gideon Cage, because in some images of him he looks like Nicolas Cage..

Don't believe me? Compare him in Near-Death Experience with some screenshots from the movie Con Air. :3

You will now forever imagine Gideon talking like Mr Cage..
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/25/2011 5:24:28 PM)


my name is gidion and im about to die, joke im gona turn into a 6-6 and kick you ass,

wait you have somthing stronger then 6-6, ok maybe ill stay on the side lines for now muhahahaha
Posted By: HeavyEcho (8/19/2011 9:38:49 AM)


one of my favorite planeswalkers, which makes me all the angrier i don't have a place for him.

i love the flavor behind his abilities, and his character.
he commands from the front, showing he isn't afraid to be attacked, and easily reaches out to destroy any exposed creature, and when he feels like having fun, he joins his forces.

so awesome, and combo full.
5/5 for being gideon
Posted By: CrowJonSnow (9/4/2011 1:28:23 PM)


Gideon's a monster 5/5 he can take down a whole field conditions permiting, run him in my b/w deck alongsideAbyssal Persecutor and imagine him giving Gideon a ride on his back for the win...after the minus 2 to abyssal ifDay of Judgement isn't handy :D
Posted By: Pie_Harbinger (10/5/2011 3:38:10 PM)


Is really nice card, for everyone who tell that this card is wunerable to removal after turn to creature I just have the one answer, If you know to play Mtg you wont never use this card knowing that this is risky manouver without give him some protection and get guarant that he will deal damege and survive. So, you need to use his last ability when oponents dont have cards on hands or you have some handy counterspells to protect. This planeswalker can kick others planeswalkers asses, he can become equiped and been used on ofensive moves or defensive manouvers. He enter to the game with insanely lot of loyalty counters, 6, what makes him real real threat. + 2 ability clean oponets blockers, so, your horde will have no trouble to deal with oponent. - 2 will make oponet been ***ed off using his tronger creature to atack you or tap it for ability. 0 is kickass ability, you can use it ass finisher after clean the table with day of judgement or simply he can be the only man who can save you... (see all)
Posted By: Oleggio (10/6/2011 5:16:05 PM)


Gideon wouldn't say something so foolhardy as that.
Posted By: Goatllama (1/31/2012 5:27:51 PM)


my favorite play would have to be when my buddy activates him, I steal him with act of aggression and tap my bazaar trader to keep him. he's not a happy camper after that.
Posted By: MindAblaze (3/22/2012 7:14:14 PM)


Step 1: Gideon
Step 2: Akroma's Memorial, make Gideon a creature
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit!
Posted By: Eicha (3/30/2012 3:57:11 PM)


Edit: Now that Cawblade is gone from standard. I'm not as hateful toward Gideon. He is a good solid planeswalker.

Posted By: ninjaboy05 (4/29/2012 9:25:54 AM)


Gideon is the best control card in my oppinion. It really lock down your opponent and when you have it down you feel like you are really in control of the game.
Posted By: TheDementiaBat (6/5/2012 9:09:20 AM)


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