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I remember A buddy of mine got this and he asked me that if he made Gideon a creature if he would be vulnerable to doom blade. I said I think so. So he became a creature and I doombladed him... His face was...PRICELESS!!!
Posted By: Xineombine (10/19/2012 9:09:08 PM)


I can't believe these only go $6 a pop.
Posted By: Emperorerror (11/18/2012 7:20:43 PM)


When he first came out, Gideon was a pretty unconventional planeswalker in that he had no 'ultimate' and all three of his abilities could be used the turn he hit the table (though, you probably wouldn't want to use his 0 on the first turn unless you had some way of giving him haste). They completely got it right with this card...his counterpart in Rise, on the other hand, while not bad, is somewhat lackluster in terms of playability. Gideon's a game-changer with synergistic, relevant abilities and an awesome starting loyalty. He saw plenty of play in his Standard debut and for good reason, especially considering how nicely he plays with the other planeswalkers running around at that time...who will remain nameless.

There are situations, though, when Gideon doesn't do very much. I remember one long EDH game in which my opponent and I got into a stalemate of sorts. He had Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker equipped with Darksteel Plate an... (see all)
Posted By: LlanowarEmissary (10/5/2013 2:55:18 AM)


Notice how Doom Blade doesn't say "Destroy target nonblack, nonplaneswalker creature?" Yeah, if he's a creature, he's vulnerable to creature removal, just like an Inkmoth Nexus that becomes a creature dies to creature removal, artifact removal OR land destruction.
Posted By: Rog4Brd3 (12/25/2013 11:28:52 AM)


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