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Community Rating: 4.101 / 5  (313 votes)
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how to break in 2 easy cards
souls of the faultless
valor made real

force them to attack with everything, block it all with souls of the faultless and laugh as they commited suicide. doubt it'll be as fun as doing that to the guy who myr incubated me whilst he had coat of arms out he wasn't pleased when he lost 1,600 life cause and the rest of the players at the table weren't happy when i beacon'ed myself to 3,200 life won't be as fun as that but i'll try none the less with this card

best bit is most timmy's will not see any point in it beyond it being a plainwalker...although i think i'm about to double its price tag...its +loyalty ability can win you the game...as it forces everything to attack gideon himself. there is no choice meaning that once they are all tapped out from attacking gideon and promptly killing him you can simply attack with your amassed army...not bad for the ability your supposed to spam to add counters to it. sorry for ... (see all)
Posted By: Amsjex (4/16/2010 8:22:32 AM)


I would have preferred a version with less loyality(4) and a greater bonus for the first ability (+4). Last but not least, the last ability should have transformed him into a */* creature whereas * = number of loyality counter.
Posted By: Cheza (5/2/2010 2:50:46 PM)


Dear Magic Creative: I really don't like Biblical names on my Magic cards.

Especially ones with strong present-day connotations.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (9/14/2010 1:49:58 AM)


Once again, white removal, with a control element. Using the final ability is a little bit risky, but could be a game winner. just watch out for Doom Blade or Terminate.

by the way, this planeswalker is strictly better than Garruk Wildspeaker. It can finish the game the turn it comes out instead of the turn after.
Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (4/30/2010 3:39:16 PM)


By far the best planeswalker though Garruk is one mana cheaper and Jace the mind sculptor is great too (but blue isn't really a good color these days). Gideon can control the opponent so easy and after one +2 ability he is at 8 counters amazing. I think he takes Garruk down though green got mana accelerating and that can make Garruk come out fast and use he's ultimate just one turn after, but if you dropped Gideon in the turn after he dropped Garruk his ultimate is not that a big thread. Together with Elspeth he gets even more fun Him and Elspeth (she got very amazing powers too) are my fav. planeswalkers.
Posted By: jonfck (8/26/2010 4:09:23 PM)


my friend got a box of ROE, he got 2 of these, he kept saying that he had 2 of them, and i was always like, so what, i have 2 baneslayers. Then i found out it was 50$ bucks and i was confused because whenever i see it i see a horrible planeswalker. One of the worst cards in ROE
Posted By: pegpeg66 (8/15/2010 6:35:11 PM)


Enchant Gideon with an Indestructibility and throw off his first ability. Just the thought alone makes me chuckle heartily.
Posted By: CaptainAwesome13 (8/27/2010 1:03:03 PM)


This card is stupid. None of the abilities are even flavorfully in white. His + ability is red, his - ability is black, and his 0 ability is an artifact ability.

I really hate what WIzards has done with white. It's the new blue, in that it gets everything no matter how little sense it makes.
Posted By: Shadow1798 (4/10/2011 4:42:58 PM)


Yeah He Is So Good. His Built In Assasinate Str8 Wrecks Cuz It Only Puts Him Down To 4 He Is Extremely Strong. You Better Have A Ball Lightning/Groundbreaker Or A Vengevine/Hero Of Oxid Ridge Comin Out Next Or Your Goose Is Cooked Son
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (2/3/2011 10:21:37 AM)


I got one of these nonfoil, then traded it for a foil one. After selling the foil, I got the other one back.
Posted By: land_comment (2/26/2011 11:46:43 AM)


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