It wasn't until years later I realized I was a Johnny when I started magic; and slowly became a Spikey control player with a bit of Timmy.
This was one of my first casual combo decks (all budget) with Channel, Manaplasm, and Dawnglow Infusion.
While unrelated; other combo decks during that age I had:
-Goblin Tokens + Comet Storm + Mana Echoes
-Living Death (Both Self-mill Slivers and Dredge Demons + Hellcarver)
-Budget High Tide
Posted By:
(12/30/2013 11:13:52 AM)
@MrBarrelRoll Like ProsperoNight said, it's banned, for that very same type of shenanigans. Granted, being able to make 9 9/9s turn 2 in a non-EDH game is just as much of a game-winner...
Posted By:
(5/23/2014 10:39:08 AM)