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Community Rating: 3.708 / 5  (72 votes)
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The updated, strictly better Insolence.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (11/8/2010 1:46:11 AM)


the art reminds me of Ruinous Minotaur. I really like the style :D
Posted By: ZeroSheep (11/18/2010 8:25:56 PM)


How in the Nine Hells does this stack up with Ghostly Prison? Do they have to attack with their creature, even if they can't pay the mana? Do they have to pay the mana every turn if they can? This confuses and infuriates me.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (5/3/2010 4:48:22 PM)


Ha, put it on your opponent's Cunning Sparkmage and combo with Linvala. They swing for zero and ping themselves 3.

Or just Freed from the Real. That's even more wicked.
Posted By: chrishocker (4/16/2010 3:54:23 PM)


Soooooo underrated. This card single-handedly won me almost every sealed match I've played in. Forcing a guy to tap out and inflict 3 points of damage is fantastic. You can force a weak guy to attack, take the damage or toss it into a wall.

The great thing is that he can't keep someone like a Prodigal Pyromancer sitting around to help kill a larger creature, he HAS to attack with it or tap out early and take the damage.

2 of these things will kill someone in short order, or remove the blockers so that you can run him over with other creatures.

As a final benefit, the opponent may have to waste their own removal on their own guy, giving you that much more protection for your own troops.

5/5, fantastic card.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (4/26/2010 11:03:25 AM)


Love to put this into my slow Nettling Curse/Hissing Miasma deck. I wish it didn't cost three...
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (4/17/2010 8:43:58 AM)


Gives double card advantage, because it forces your opponent to use removal he would otherwise use on you on his own creature...put it on a weak utility creature and let it ping you for one and himself for 3.

Even better with Narcolepsy

Or, my favorite, Narcolepsy a creature with 1 or 2 Totem Armours, then put this on it
Posted By: mrcelophane (5/12/2010 6:53:43 PM)


Clearly, a situational card. But in those situations, I love it.
Posted By: WrathofAnima (4/18/2010 7:12:02 AM)


This is kinda evil card would like to use sometimes
Posted By: Qazior (4/16/2010 5:10:25 AM)


Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting yourself? :P
Posted By: DonRoyale (6/10/2010 9:40:17 PM)


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