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Disagree that he's definitely better than Bloodghast. Yes, if you get him out he's way more powerful, but remember that the conditions for recurring Bloodghast are also a lot easier. Plus, Bloodghast+Nocturnus is absolutely terrifying.
Posted By: Chosen_of_the_Dark_Sun (5/22/2010 1:47:27 PM)


So there's no confusion, one of the changes in m10 was to use the word "cast" instead of "play". Any pre-m10 card that says "play" means the exact same thing as "cast".
Posted By: demonixx (5/29/2010 1:39:24 AM)


This card may not fit perfectly into the holy template of jund...so what. This is a cool atypical green card. Jund represents one of the MTGs major shortcomings..a bunch of players going out and purchasing broodmate dragons, blightnings, and bloodbraid elves online to fit a tried and true, established template. Really lame, and imagination-less in my opinion, not to mention counterproductive in terms of what mtg strives for...varied gameplay. This card would be awesome in an elf-deck, or could even be the main piece of a deck archetype in and of itself.
Posted By: sancrosact (6/7/2010 9:35:04 AM)


Wow a retailer near me is selling this card for $45, is it really that good?
Posted By: pixieCrack (6/7/2010 8:11:42 PM)


I wonder what deck this'll be in once "Lights" is out.
Posted By: persecutor (6/8/2010 1:26:21 PM)


I love this against black decks
Lanawar elves
Dark Ritual
Ravenous Rats
Mortician Beetle
Discard Vengevine
Play Forest
Play Lanawar Elves
Play Birds of Paradise
HOLY CRAP I have a a 4:3 creature on the field on my SECOND TURN with five green mana ready for turn two. Which I used to play my Khali Hydra.
Green Rules
Posted By: GreyGoose (6/27/2010 11:08:46 AM)


Before I start, I have to add that Vengevine is my favourite card, so this may be a little biased. I will try, however, to make it as un-biased as possible.

To all those saying the recursion is difficult, it really isn't. I've played a LOT with Vengevine, trust me. To name just a few things- Bloodbraid Elf, Ranger of Eos, Kor Skyfisher or, say, a couple of manadorks. It's not even that unrealistic to go Sea Gate Oracle/ into on 4/5 mana.
Also, Sphinx of Lost Truths does crazy stuff with Vengevines. SoLT, unkicked into discarding 1, 2, or even 3 (this does happen) Vengevines. Holy cow. The potential in that is crazy. Also, don't forget you have 3! cards to fulfil that condition.
You don't have to run an all-creatures deck to make this guy good, you just have to use intelligent creatures.
Haste is an INSANELY good ability in the current meta, especially against the ever-pesky planeswalkers. To those saying Wall of Denial and such, in a deck wi... (see all)
Posted By: Nytestryke24 (7/3/2010 10:00:09 AM)


This is an amazing card. Combined with Basking Rootwalla, Rofellos, Survival of the Fittest and Scryb Ranger and you have one amazing combo. Survival all of you Vengevine's to get the Rootwalla and you have 16 haste damage.
Posted By: Mill_Master (7/11/2010 12:17:35 AM)


Corpse Connoisseur to get him in there then fill the deck with BloodBraid, elvish visionary and other low cost cards to get him out, and overwhelming stampede for fun. (this deck would require mana accel)
Posted By: DGice (8/3/2010 9:55:58 AM)


Yixlid Jailer shuts both this and Bloodghast down...

also I don't see how this is better than bloodghast I've played with and against decks using both and when it's a neck to neck battle, I don't see why you would pass up a turn not to play a creature card you just drew hoping that you draw another creature next turn
Posted By: klauth (8/16/2010 2:41:44 PM)


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