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With Reverberate on the rebound, you deal 8 damage over the course of 3 turns for 5 mana!
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (5/31/2011 7:43:34 AM)


Shock but much better : )
Posted By: NeoSin (4/18/2010 6:17:42 PM)


Meh. This card is just so-so. The fact of the matter is, in a burn deck, you want damage NOW, not next turn. People out there saying it pumps kiln fiend: yeah, it does, but two lightning bolts is A: More cost efficient, B: Happens NOW! and C: does more damage. Yeah, you can hit two creatures, but one of them gets an extra turn to live.
Long story short, it's overcosted and slower than it should be.

Granted, is definitely got nice art and flavor.
Posted By: God_Of_The_Smurfs (3/23/2011 7:19:49 PM)


this may very well be the only red card pauper sees out of roe. i'm still being generous though, as i'm not entirely sure this will see play.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (4/21/2010 7:49:50 PM)


I hate to tell people this but with a stagger shock in ur graveyard and pyromancer's acension it ends up adding two tokens leaving the next turn free to copy spells. Might be something to look into
Posted By: Duffey (5/3/2010 3:07:27 PM)


Izzet loves Rebound <3
Posted By: boneclub (1/13/2011 10:12:51 AM)


I LOVE this art. Frickin' fantastic!
Posted By: helluin (4/17/2011 9:58:37 PM)


yes, lightning bolt is better, but lets face it people, you can only have 4 in your deck. after 4 lightning bolts, you want incinerates and 4 of these. dmg dmg dmg! i ping you AND yer stoopid little */2 creatures! by turn 5 or 6, you should have a clear board and a dragon out.
Posted By: ToAsTy42o (5/16/2011 10:53:09 PM)


Great card, but the new Volt Charge might be replacing it in my Pyromancer Ascension deck.

Rebound is a really solid mechanic, though, and I figure there are a bunch of decks that can benefit from "cast"ing a spell twice per card.
Posted By: Gelzo (5/21/2011 5:28:57 PM)


Monored control. Yes, sure, you may say that there is no card advantage. BUt, cards like this beast provide pseudoadvantage. Two for ones like staggershock, arc trail, and pyroclasm really punish the early game. Late game threats are iffy, but I think Basilisk-mage can do it.
Posted By: TheSwarm (6/3/2011 9:29:51 PM)


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