If this were an instant, it would be amazing, it could easily see more play than Lightning Bolt. As it is it's still really nice, 1 mana to kill basically anything up to a 3 drop, and still easily most 4 and 5 drops is sick.
PS: 4 isn't the magic number anymore.
Posted By:
(4/16/2010 2:34:54 PM)
i like it. PURE POWER.
Posted By:
(5/2/2010 11:50:37 AM)
I just can't believe there are people complaining about this. Seriously, do you remember that Lightning Bolt hadn't seen print for years due to its power level? Taking that into account, you still complain that this is not an even more powerful version of Lightning Bolt? Go and ask for Shivan Meteor to be reprinted but being able to target players while you 're at it.
Posted By:
(10/8/2010 5:45:54 PM)
Will definitly see play in Boros and RDW, but as for Jund and Naya, Sideboard at best. When it comes down to it, Bolt can end the game and this cannot. Amazing card, however. Makes me feel that Broodmate Dragon is going to be used less now.
Also, this has less chances to hit animated Manlands.
The opponent would have to animate during your turn, and that shouldn't happen if you have R open and they know you run Flame Slash.
Still made of OP
Posted By:
(4/15/2010 11:48:16 PM)
All I have to say is, thank GOD it's a sorcery. If it were an instant, God forbid what we'd be in for...
Ridiculous card, but the sorcery speed REALLY hurts it.
Posted By:
(4/16/2010 1:57:30 PM)
Okay, why in the infernal hells is anyone complaining about this being sorcery speed? It's already the most effectively-costed defensive red spell ever, you need it to have aggressive connotations as well? This card isn't meant to go in aggressive red decks; it's meant to go in more control-oriented responsive decks with access to red so stop complaining about its speed and lack of target-flexibility because it's already ridiculously good at what it does!! (albeit pretty odd for a red card.)
Also, this card shouldn't be compared to Lightning Bolt in terms of better or worse, it's totally different; instead, compare the two to show what the reprinting of Lightning Bolt has allowed Red to get away with.
And oh yeah, has anyone else noticed that the art is depicting an Obsidian Fireheart blowing the ever-lovin crap out of a spawn token? I friggin love it.
Posted By:
(7/24/2010 9:49:12 PM)
Goodbye Putrid Leech. Goodbye half of Broodmate Dragon. RDW already was a good matchup against Jund, and now it's nearly unstoppable.
Posted By:
(4/16/2010 8:41:41 AM)
Even at sorcery speed, this card is fine, because your opponents creatures still have to wait a turn to attack you, don't they? So this can hit them the turn after they came down. Only thing to worry about is creatures with Haste.
Posted By:
(4/29/2010 2:46:41 PM)
Ah, sorcery speed, the true test of whether you can play smart or not.
Posted By:
(4/30/2010 2:19:26 AM)
In Roe limited this card reads "Kill target Drana" .
Posted By:
(6/20/2010 10:59:56 AM)