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Community Rating: 4.015 / 5  (166 votes)
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Run him alongside Selective Memory and Mirror of Fate. Use the Selective Memory to exile a bunch of good stuff, like an Emrakul, Ulamog, and 4x Archive Trap. Swing with the Demon, and then if he hits respond to the trigger by sacrificing the Mirror of Fate, exchanging your library for the six or seven cards you exiled with Selective Memory. Hellcarver goes off, and you drop a game winning suite of spells.
Posted By: Chosen_of_the_Dark_Sun (7/19/2011 2:47:57 PM)


I personally run 4 of these in a deck and i get turn 5-7 wins thanks to quicksilver amulet and even some liliana+rise from the grave or sheoldred. This guy is a beast when combo'd together with another or even 2 more, 12-18 damage+cast your top 12-18 cards free. devastating. good thing he's not legendary. throw in a phyrexian metamorph into a EDH format and have some fun. maybe a cryptoplasm too. GO BLACK BLUE! :D
Posted By: Xenofaust (7/26/2011 5:20:51 PM)


He's kinda interesting, but it's a HUGE risk.

I'd play it with Barren Glory and some effect that would let you sac the demon; probably Damnation or Pox or something. The only issue is protecting the Glory. It's also fun if you use Champion cards, Faceless Butchers, Fiend Hunters, and O-Rings to hide guys that'll come back when his ability goes off.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (11/20/2011 2:35:41 PM)


Hellcarver Demon, then Donate, then Silence, then Alluring Siren, then Go for the Throat.

Chromeshell Crab, Gauntlets of Chaos, Juxtapose, and Legerdemain are acceptable alternatives to Donate. Also, Puca's Mischief, Spawnbroker, and/or Bazaar Trader can replace Donate in Modern. Incite can replace Alluring Siren in nonblue decks.

If using Bazaar Trader, also use Swiftfoot Boots and pseudo-donate the demon after casting Silence during your opponent's upkeep to help ensure success.

Optional: Spirit Loop/autocard... (see all)
Posted By: Ragamander (12/4/2011 9:26:58 PM)


The sacrifice and discard would feed a Lord of Extinction. Just sayin'.

Also really funny if you flip a Restore Balance or Ancestral Visions.
Posted By: Salient (1/25/2012 2:05:53 PM)


Seems fun. To bad its nonland T_T. If you get a bad draw and he gets nuked... gg
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/20/2012 12:20:10 PM)


I love using old-school Black cards; this will fit in nicely with my Demon deck.
Also, his face kinda reminds me of Robert Englund, the actor who played Freddy Kruger in the original Nightmare on Elm Street series; definitively a plus.

4 STARS (Plus .5 a star for looking like an awesome actor) OUT OF 5.
Posted By: Enyimus (3/28/2012 6:08:42 PM)


this guy saved me in a two headed giant against an infect and burn deck
i was using my demon deck and my friend was using his golem deck
we had 6 poison counters and 24 life
but I swung with this guy and got out Warstorm Surge, Kozilek, and Balefire Dragon.
Then it was pretty much game.
Posted By: PinkleDadandy (3/30/2012 8:42:49 AM)


How do you attack after casting Doomsday though? Your summoned creatures would get resurrection sickness and you'd die next turn of an empty library. You'd need some kind of mass haste producer? Guess Urabrask the Hidden can work?
Posted By: Arachnos (4/15/2012 10:51:45 PM)


Hellcaver Demon + Lim-Dul's Vault

Posted By: Wart_ (8/5/2012 1:51:38 AM)


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