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Community Rating: 4.300 / 5  (100 votes)
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Question about this card:

Since I understand that to damage a Planeswalker with a spell, it's technically funneled through the Player, does this prevent one damage to your Planeswalkers via spells as well?

Ex. Lightning Bolt on Jace with this out would only do 2 dmg to him versus the usual 3?

I assume so since I don't see why not but I figured I'd ask.
Posted By: MightyMortox (9/13/2009 1:19:27 AM)


I sort of like the art. At first I thought it was a male angel, which Magic needs more of. Is Gabriel Angelfire the only one? Gameplay-wise it's a medium-sized flying body for four mana, with a useful - sometimes really good - ability to boot. Oh, and it doesn't die to Lightning Bolt.
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (7/27/2009 3:49:47 PM)


This card is very good for its casting cost I'm surprised it's not valued more. I hate the artwork too. I think the artist missed the mark on this one, both thematically and technically. From a distance, it looks like the angel is half beetle, even though it's just the armor and the angel's legs are curled. The wings look like leopard skin and its shape is weird. I don't know if there is foreshortening of the legs, but something feels off about the drawing of the legs. I don't think the Wizards art director should have approved this art.

@MightyMortox: Since a player must successfully damage the opponent before opting to redirect that damage to the Planeswalker, then Guardian Seraph will reduce damage by 1 first, and then the remaining amount can be redirected to the Planeswalker.

Posted By: ClowWizardEriol (1/25/2010 7:24:28 AM)


An amazing card, a 3/4 flier for 4 CMC that saves you a lot of life in the long run. Only thing I dislike about this card is the art, ew.
Posted By: BrutalJim (3/13/2010 4:51:13 AM)


I like to see an angel that isn't wearing some variant of sexy armor. I hate sexy armor on angels.
Posted By: Zulp (7/19/2010 12:58:51 PM)


I'm all for male angels and angels with non-dove wings, but this guy is kind of creepy looking, and he's not framed well. Half the picture is essentially blank.

But I love the ability. 3/4 and flying is respectable for 4 mana, and the ability is great, especially against decks that use little creatures. And if the opponent doesn't use small creatures, make them. I use Hunted Phantasm and Dovescape with this guy. Godhead of Awe also works.
Posted By: SleetFox (4/10/2010 4:05:11 PM)


great angel for 4 cmc
Posted By: tantallum99 (9/19/2010 1:57:06 PM)


Hey, I like the art work, not all angels have to be a stark white, angel dusted celestial being from the havens... Consider her the melee scrapper of the angel family, fending off armies of 1/1's...

Good cmc for her abilities and stats, and yeah, shes all up in my angel deck
Posted By: Jinx585 (1/25/2010 5:45:19 PM)


People, people people, this isn't a DUDE! Look at the flavor text! If it is a guy, then I DONT GET THE FLAVOR TEXT! Please explain it to me!
Posted By: EvilCleavage (5/6/2010 4:04:30 PM)


It's a manly looking female angel with leopard-print wings with spikes on them. Yeah, the artwork's a mess. Great card, though. Stymies the pain from little tokens and provides an evasive, efficient beater. I like it.
Posted By: 2pcsofcandy (7/10/2009 7:58:24 PM)


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