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Given so much preparation, by the time this card could mill a respectable amount, a mill deck would've done much more with other investment.
Posted By: Cyberium (9/23/2010 5:13:34 PM)


Legacy artifact mill decks are going to use these, Power Conduits, and Energy Chambers...along with artifacts that grow counters every turn and others that Proliferate.
Posted By: Lord_Gravesmythe (9/25/2010 11:59:38 PM)


Sphinx of Jwar Isle, anybody? or perhaps with Oracle of Mul Daya, or even vengevine
Posted By: brunsbr103 (10/7/2010 1:07:50 PM)


Feel like it should have been uncommon. I don't wanna pull this as my rare in a pack :/ uncommon i wouldn't mind though
Posted By: JWalks82 (12/22/2010 9:20:02 PM)


Shittiest card I have ever got at a prerelease, absolutely sucked.
Posted By: mlanier131 (10/1/2010 11:47:08 PM)


if you have two grindclocks on the field can you tap one to put a charge counter on the other?
Posted By: bloodghastly (10/4/2010 11:33:25 AM)


doodily ding dong tick tock
doodily ding dong tick tock
doodily ding dong tick tock
doodily ding dong tick tock
doodily ding dong tick tock


I'm... ticking... for... the...

Posted By: BrightOrangePants (10/23/2011 5:10:26 PM)


Why even mention voltaic key? There are a million cards that foster a much more deadly combo with it. Also, it's obvious. Key is so broken, it can pull even shit cards like this into playability. But it's bad magic to rely on an old card to power a new one for combo potential---you should play exclusively with cards that are good on their own, and build synergy together. Using grindclock/key is like trying to take over the world with a potato gun, when you can just nuke it with grindstone, glimpse, jace adept or nemesis of reason. Heck, at the end of the day that memory sluice will mill a lot more for you.

Posted By: patronofthesound (6/18/2013 10:39:19 AM)


i have to imagine if this ever made even a rustling in legacy, people would start sideboarding gaea's blessing and that would be the end. as for infinite mana combos, i like to think you'd do more with your mana than merely finding convoluted ways to mill your opponent. the fact is that ironically the best mill card (outside of grindstone/painter's servant, of course) is keening stone. this is ironic because it's in the same set as the eldrazi that nullify milling completely.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (9/26/2010 7:10:52 AM)


Such amazing artwork...
But this doesn't really seem like a full fledged winning condition like Keening Stone or Traumatize... But it's utility is much like hedron crab... for that slight mill that we've been seeing...
which is alright, mill doesn't really have much in the ways of utility... Hedron Crab is amazing, but Tome scour? Not enough of an effect for a one-time effect...
but giving mill utility might actually make it viable.... instead of playing control and taking out chunks at a time, we can see more "casual" mill
Posted By: Shell_shockkun (9/26/2010 10:02:06 PM)


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