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Infect + Zombie = awesome. Not as cool as mindless null for the same mana cost, though. Kidding, gosh.
Posted By: Chrome_Coyote (9/24/2010 2:54:06 PM)


Hear hear, OutlawD1!

I wasn't a big fan of the old Nim mechanic (see Cranial Plating for the most infamous example), so I am extremely pleased to see this result of Phyrexia's efforts to compleat the local undead. Nim Replica has nothing on this Phyrexian.
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (9/24/2010 12:42:35 PM)


Use him in my Zombie deck. The deck isn't an infect deck at all, but he presents an immediate threat of his very own when he hits the field. Zombies also have a variety of different lords to pump this guy up with. When I have a cemetery reaper and an undead warchief on the field, he comes out as a 5/4 infect zombie for 2. He really makes the opponent have to decide whether they want to destroy my Reaper, who's making tokens out of their graveyard, the infect creature that will inevitable kill them, or the warchief who's allowing me to play more threats per turn. With zombies, things get nasty fast, and when I saw an infect zombie, I squee'd.

Posted By: StreamHopper (11/11/2010 11:46:07 AM)


This is something that you should only use in limited play. Cystbearer is just plain better. If you do happen to use it, I hope that either it's just as a filler until you get other infect, or you're trying to build a non-green infect deck. the latter is a sort of hard prospect so far.....
Posted By: Beastlygreen (10/24/2010 2:50:12 PM)


Nim Are Tight As ***. Not Enough In This Set Though, Hopefully In The Next Two But Tons Of Nim Equippment And Art With Nim On It It. They Just Look Tight I Miss Adam Rex Though. But Efrem Did Great!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (12/27/2010 7:54:56 PM)


This card taught us what infect shouldn't look like. I guess they didn't want people to complain too much before they released real infectors like Phyrexian vatmother and Phyrexian crusader.
Posted By: desolation_masticore (3/16/2011 4:12:11 AM)


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