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I can imagine Myr Battlesphere being made of these :o
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/5/2011 4:23:42 PM)


This card is going to spike in price. Today is 9/23 at 50 cents each on MTGO. Heartless Summoning is going to make this card the real deal in tournament play in the next few months!
Posted By: Heitah (9/23/2011 10:57:42 AM)


This guy is sorely underplayed and underrecognized. He has so much dang potential. The only issue I ever have is when I'm stuck with him in my hand and only one or two mana creatures on the field, which tends to only happen against mono-red burn. I think the biggest satisfaction, though, is that your opponent never expects it. "Oh you're playing mana ramp, alright, Llanowar and Birds, whatever. Wait. What the heck is a Myr Superion doing on the field?"

Dropping this guy turn 3 (T1: Land > Birds, Llanowar, Pilgrim; T2: Another ramp creature; T3: This guy) is a huge advantage that they almost never expect. You can start the big beats really fast and the uneven 5/6 makes him an especially good early blocker. Sadly, he doesn't beat Titans. :( It's okay, though, that's what countering/removal is for. :)
Posted By: Deltraeus (11/23/2011 1:29:32 AM)


Llanowar Elves is still the best thing I can think of. It's too easy. Any deck that just happens to have a Llanowar Elves AND/OR a Birds of Paradise can have this guy 'Just Because I Can', rather than trying to focus around him. Kind of like, worst case scenario, I would side Ornithopters into Any Given Deck that had a metagame where it REALLY needed to block fliers.

Of course, focusing on this guy with Heartless Summoning or Palladium Myrs for the tribal route isn't BAD, but I prefer it if I can as many of my cards as possible to be 'Because I Can' rather than 'Because I Have To'. It gives you feedom to use only the best in the rest of the deck, so that a well-timed counterspell, or some other 'Oh NOES' card doesn't shut down your entire deck.

You know what you don't want? Having four of this in your deck, and being unable to cast him because, in your deck, ONLY the Heartless Summonings can do it. An Elf Deck, though? You will NEVER not have Creature-mana.

So many times I've seen ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/17/2012 10:50:31 AM)


"Ach! Hans, run! It's the Myr-goyf!"

It's a 5/6 for 2, with an interesting drawback, good flavor, and last I checked, it cost 100x less than Tarmy. I likey.

Posted By: Phaeoxen (4/16/2012 7:42:32 PM)


Driver of the Dead, if you're low on budget.
Posted By: Binaro (5/21/2012 7:12:00 PM)


How about this and Urza's incubator? For free?
Posted By: 7thLegendaryDragon (7/8/2012 2:07:26 PM)


Strange... no one mentioned Semblance Anvil or even better

Posted By: ZeroCube100 (11/3/2012 9:28:15 PM)


I wonder if Su-Chi works with this.
Posted By: Leonardo_Avila (1/6/2013 3:30:32 PM)


Radha, Heir to Keld
Posted By: MattLynn (1/18/2013 8:38:52 AM)


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