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Community Rating: 4.106 / 5  (165 votes)
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23456 >
An absolutely awesome card, but, a quick question. Does the combat dealt to Planeswalkers class as Combat damage to a player ? I need a rule buff.

On a lighter note...Venser...Use his Minus 1. Regain 1

It's a 4 of in my Phyrexian B/U Ally deck (One hell of a mouthful).

I demand Proliferate !
Posted By: Danveldo (10/8/2010 4:02:12 AM)


This card is a ticking timebomb just waiting for some PTQ player to put together the deck that sets it off.
Posted By: Weary_PSI (10/13/2010 11:34:16 PM)


Creature - Bird Horror
Yes, that is one terrifying bird.

I love this in my modular deck. Turn 1, Arcbound Worker; Turn 2, Thrummingbird; Turn 3, Ashnod's Transmogrant and swing. I now have a 3/3 flyer and a 2/2 on 3rd turn that I can use Throne of Geth on turn 4 to make into one 6/6 flyer that only gets bigger every time it attacks. Awesome.
Posted By: Beekhead (10/15/2010 3:05:19 AM)


U/B Proliferate Infect Control wins with this! Thumming Birds, Exoskeletons, Wounds that are virulent, Consciences of the corrupt variety, and little pods that shoot bacteria. So awesome =)
Posted By: Rikiaz (4/6/2011 7:45:16 PM)


Sweet combo with Kangee, Aerie Keeper.
Posted By: JoelGriffeyJr (4/9/2011 10:28:40 AM)


Have been to both Besieged and New Phyrexia prereleases, plus bought a few SOM packs...never gotten one :'(
Posted By: Superllama12 (5/17/2011 3:35:33 PM)


Thrumming Bird+ Banshee's Blade= Winning!
Posted By: BullCut (6/12/2011 6:04:21 PM)


That would have been broken with infect!
Posted By: GengilOrbios (8/1/2011 2:26:23 PM)


Doesn't see any current standard play. Wait til I finish getting all the cards for my deck. Play with it all the time on C-trice. It beats most tier 1 decks. This is a killer.
t1:forest, BoP
2:island/Hinterland Harbor, BoP, Thrummingbird
3:land, Increasing Savagery on Thrummy, swing for 6, it's then a 7/7
4: land(your at 4 lands and 2 BoPs), Test Subject for 4(1 counter), and attack for 7
5:land, tap out except 1 for full subject, swing for 21
Posted By: Willieskyeyes (2/27/2012 7:16:29 PM)


If I give this creature double strike, say with Assault Strobe, and it attacks my opponent, is it dealing combat damage to that player once or twice? This may not be the right place to pose this question...
Posted By: NickDay (7/30/2012 1:01:52 PM)


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