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Lackluster? Yeah, I agree. I wish he'd destroy at least 3 target permanents when he comes. Kozilek is better and costs less.
Posted By: getz19 (4/15/2010 11:01:45 PM)


Eldrazi and their Drones? Tsabo's Decree.

Eldrazi Legends?
Tsabo Tavoc can block Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre all day long without taking a single point of damage; she can straight kill Kozilek (although, Phthisis is much more fun); and not even Emrakul, the Aeons Torn can get past her as long as you have the 2 mana Phyrexian Splicer in play to strip away his flying (and its an artifact so his protection is worthless).

Annihilator mechanic got you down? Start up the Phyrexian Processor. Didn't get to it in time? Yawgmoth's Agenda means those lost permanents are never too far away.

Phyrexia laughs at your "aether born" abominations.

On a more serious note conerning the "over powered" nature of the Eldrazi. That's a true statement when you consider them in isolation. Annihilator may be an awesomely powe... (see all)
Posted By: PhyrexianLobbiest (6/23/2010 12:22:47 PM)


An uncounterablish beat stick with built in Vindicate without color restrictions and a major ability. For 11!? This set is definitly has overpowered cards.
Posted By: Demonic_Angel13 (4/20/2010 5:17:59 PM)


I don't know what the consensus is, and there's obviously a bunch of options in extended or casual, but I do know that one of the decks in standard relies on Polymorph in a deck with no other creatures except for the tokens you get from things like Awakening Zone to get out a guaranteed Emrakul, with plenty of counterspell backup of course. It's very frustrating to play against, but any fast deck usually rolls over it.

Personally, I play a deck with Hand of Emrakul and Eldrazi Con***ion, along with a bunch of ramp and token producers. The bigger ones aren't worth it IMO because you lose too much tempo and card advantage ramping up that much. And as awesome as they seem, getting a Terra Stomper out four turns earlier is a better deal.
Posted By: achilleselbow (6/7/2010 2:54:34 PM)


definantly the best legendary eldrazi. In my opinion, it that betrays ins my favorite when comboed, but as a stand alone this is the winner. The fact that it can kill any permanent and then is indestructible is what is fantastic. and yes, you can say that the otheres are more efficient at fighting but come on. 10/10 annihilator 4 that CANT BE DESTROYED. The day that isnt an "efficient" fighter is the day hell freezes over
Posted By: TheSwarm (7/20/2010 1:01:01 PM)


Even with the "indestructible" he's not hard to kill. So say someone has him and five other creatures out. They destroy my biggest scariest creature, leaving me with a 1/1. I give my 1/1 Eldrazi Con***ion and swing. what're they gonna block with? they're thinking "he's trying to get rid of some of my creatures", right. Wrong. I want you to block so I can use my tainted strike. My 1/1 is now an 11/11 infect trample annihilator 2. good luck.
Posted By: soultoast (10/19/2010 12:45:02 AM)


Posted By: Taegan15 (7/28/2011 5:21:44 PM)


What the hell is gyreing, and how can Ulamog do it infinitely?
Posted By: Drewsel (8/11/2011 4:34:44 AM)


He's probably the weakest of the three legendary Eldrazi, but he's still really good. Indestructability only makes him that much harder to get rid of. A free Vindicate is nothing to scoff at.
Posted By: dudecow (4/15/2010 11:49:10 PM)


’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (4/16/2010 3:14:54 AM)


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