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Community Rating: 4.393 / 5  (192 votes)
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I have yet to win a game if my opponent has been able to get this guy onto the field. I didn't understand why until I tested him in a mono red pauper deck and managed to get him swinging for 13 with double strike on turn four.

Needless to say, he is an auto-include from now on.
Posted By: EvilCartographer (5/27/2011 7:16:18 PM)


Love this card.

I have a couple of 'favorite things to do' in magic. One of them is searing blaze -> attack with kiln fiend.
Posted By: Laguz (7/15/2011 5:31:43 AM)


I prefer chandra's spitfire
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/20/2011 5:05:28 PM)


ok My friend I were playing at fnm last friday and we were both playing this punk in our Burn decks, but his was red blue.
well I got him up to being 13/2 with double strike using assault strobe so I swing at him he flashed in Deceiver Exarch and blocked him. so after Combat I used fling on Kiln Fiend (me 12 / him 15) He then started to get ***ed whille gathering his cards of the table for the next game. I then tried to tell him Fling doesnt give kiln the buff he then replied he replied by ask a judge the judge said he did. so I just wanna get a second opinion.

Does Kiln Fiend get the Buff from Fling?
Posted By: Grimzo1590 (9/16/2011 1:38:02 PM)


I have to admit I'm surprised a red burn/aggro deck featuring this guy hasn't solidified its place in Legacy. Double the effectiveness of my Lightning Bolt? Yes please...
Posted By: Salient (12/16/2011 1:55:37 AM)


Kiln fiend is a great card, and can lead to turn 3 win.

Turn 1:
Island (for countering your opponents nasties)

Turn 2:
Mountain, Kiln Fiend

Turn 3:
Mountain, Assault Strobe, Bull Rush, Distortion Strike, Swing for the win. Thanks go to friend of mine.
Posted By: IndifferentFace (1/10/2012 9:36:53 PM)


Pure feel-good in a piece of cardboard. My favorite card.

Being rewarded for playing your spells is just a great feeling; I'm a guy who likes to be casting stuff and swinging with stuff, and this is my little mascot. My personal favorite play is Reckless Charge, Assault Strobe, and Giant Growth -- swinging for 20 on turn three is fantastic, and more likely than you think.
Posted By: Inanimate- (1/15/2012 6:29:10 PM)


This is the card that made firebreathing creatures obsolete.

Oh, and please stop posting the T3 win combos over and over again. We're all PAINFULLY aware of them. :-/
Posted By: Paleopaladin (3/12/2012 11:08:05 PM)


This is such a great card, I dont think i need to explain why Assault strobe, lightning bolt, distortion strike, fists of the anvil, manamorphose...
Posted By: LeakyTeacup (4/21/2012 6:34:33 PM)


Cast an Artful Dodge on one and cast again on another from the graveyard to turn two Kiln Fiends into unblockable 7/2s for BlueBlue.

Pairs nicely with Chandra's Spitfire and Arc Lightning. Spread the damage and trigger both card's +3/+0 pump.

Best swing so far was on turn four with one Fiend out, two islands and two mountains in play and I cast an Artful Dodge and played it again for it's flashback cost targeting my same guy, then played Assault Strobe and then Galvanic Blast for four instant/sorceries and hit for 26 unblockable. I underestimated this card for too long. It's a badass.
Posted By: somegeek (5/10/2012 12:44:20 AM)


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