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Oust should be better once Path to Exile is gone from Standard, but still maybe even Journey to Nowhere is still better
Posted By: KyoDarkFire (9/28/2010 10:47:17 PM)


So, I'll see my creature again soon, and you're giving me life? Removal is hardly the word, more like a bump in my road. The mercy of white astounds me.
Posted By: Sironos (10/9/2010 2:02:12 PM)


k first of all if you want to complain about Baneslayer then do under Baneslayer's comments and not oust's besides with all the titans and wurmcoils out there baneslayer just is not what it used to be.
second don't complain about flavor. just play the game and adapt.

imo oust is a good card that is better than condmen in some situations and worse than others. you can't condemn a fauna shaman but you can't oust a vengevine. its more personal preference. also you'd wanna oust a titan and not wait for it to attack

second from the libary is better than you may think. in today's standard environment deck searching and shuffling are very common and will often shuffle before that second draw
Posted By: Rhunic_32 (12/15/2010 6:52:30 PM)


All the comments saying white was the weakest. . . Try Green. Red only has one creature that is played in Vintage. (Goblin Welder) Green wasn't even relevant until Tarmogoyf. However this is all not relevant to the card. It's a good card. Certainly not as good as Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares. Maybe it would be if it was an instant. . .
Posted By: blink182zombies (2/28/2011 12:52:45 PM)


You play Oust on a creature and pass the turn. On your next turn, you play Jace, the Mind Sculptor and play his first ability to put that creature on the bottom. Obvious synergy.
Posted By: Frost_Pheonix (4/12/2011 2:24:41 AM)


Is it better than condemn? Yes, they won't be attacking you with their fauna shaman, birds of paradise, etc.. I would like it much better if it was just in top of their library because then you Know what they'll draw, and what they'll, most likely, play. Also more immediate draw-null. Is it better than path? No, actually it isn't even close to touching path in any way except disrupting their mana. EX: they have an ethersworn canonist, you ( somehow ) have the option to top-deck an oust or a path. What would you choose? Not to mention it's a sorcery
Posted By: BlackAlbino (4/20/2011 8:29:38 PM)


A fun card, gives you some time to mess around and slows your opponent down. Super-powered in EDH. The three life drawback is barely noticeable.
Posted By: Enelysios (4/13/2012 1:05:40 AM)


The only card that has flavor text attributed to Gideon Jura. What a shame!
Posted By: SirZapdos (5/21/2012 11:37:56 AM)


Pretty good card. White 'bounce' to the library (does that have a name?) which can affect indestructibles. You can even use it on your own cards although in that it's probably less potent than regular bounce. But all that for one white mana and a couple of life for the opponent? I'll take it.
Posted By: Weevy (9/8/2012 1:35:17 PM)


Another four Swords to Plowshares for my Kavu Predator deck. Nice.
Posted By: Kabrok (12/14/2012 1:31:01 AM)


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