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As people have said, playability is much improved with Training Grounds. I run a couple of these in my WU leveller deck. Can be pretty sweet if something like this can come out of it:

Turn 1: Training Grounds
Turn 2: Hada Spy Patrol.
Turn 3: Level it up to 3, swing for 3 unblockable.
Turn 4: Time of Heroes, swing for 5 unblockable, and play a 2-drop for defense.
From there, opponent has 3 turns to live, provided you don't start swinging with anything else. If your opponent is playing a slow deck and you can manage to drop a Glacial Fortress turn 2 or3, it's even possible to play 2xTime of Heroes and swing for 7 on turn 4.

This won't win tournaments (turn 7 win and no blockers until turn 4) but it's pretty good for casual.
Posted By: Artscrafter (6/21/2010 5:08:21 PM)


blah blah Venerated Teacher blah blah Training Grounds blah blah awesome.
Posted By: DonRoyale (4/16/2010 2:17:27 PM)


A card so good eventually that it's horrible immediately.
Posted By: Fictionarious (4/20/2010 12:45:55 AM)


Solid card for a control deck. With the obvious Training Grounds this little nasty can be its own win condition as you shut them down with counterspells.
Posted By: Razmataz24 (4/25/2010 10:42:25 PM)


@ f_fivefiftyseven
Not true. Unblockable, shroud is similar to an enchantment dealing damage directly, since 2 colors don't have any cards to handle enchantments. However there is a lack of sacrifice effects that are more specific. Wing Shards is more or less the only card I know. Now let's imagine something like "target player sacrifices an unblocked creature". This would balance things quite well. So I don't see a problem here.

Flying, shroud is more common, as well as protection in general, which is more or less unblockable, shroud. With effects like "gain x life or similar effects, you can simply negate the damage dealt.
Posted By: Cheza (5/3/2010 7:38:27 AM)


How come unblockable shroud Always needs to be powered up, equipped or enchanted? I'd love to see a creature that's born with unblockable shroud.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (4/15/2010 10:42:00 PM)


One of the few Level Up creatures that can actually protect itself at max power.
Posted By: Diachronos (4/28/2010 5:54:32 AM)


Think about this, if you have a training grounds in play this is escentialy and 3/3 With shroud that is unblockable for CVM 5. Pretty good.
Posted By: Boday1 (6/8/2010 7:12:49 PM)


Used this guy in draft today with Venerated Teacher and
Training Grounds either way when hes lvl 3 owns this card wins games! 5/5
Posted By: xhillx (4/18/2010 12:06:00 AM)


Blue lvl-up, means venerated teacher and training grounds, this one rox!
Posted By: Sironos (5/17/2010 1:08:59 PM)


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