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For two mana you get a vanilla 1/1. For five mana you get Phantom Warrior. After you sink a whopping eleven mana into it you're gonna want more than a 3/3, regardless of shroud and unblockable. You could be casting Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre.

Granted, you could get it up there on three mana alone, but if a 3/3 is all you've got out after five turns (if your luck craps on you and you only pull three lands after 5 turns), then you're in trouble. Every other leveller is better than this, as are the majority of the cards in the set.
Posted By: Wraique (4/28/2010 4:38:13 AM)


Costs too much to level, but far from the worst one.
Posted By: blindthrall (4/29/2010 5:57:15 PM)


Man it'd be awesome if these guys were merfolk
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (6/12/2010 11:17:52 PM)


@ Vedalken Arbiter

Probably because that creature would either be severly overpowered or a 1/1 for 5 or more, and thus be completely useless

Posted By: f_fivefiftyseven (6/23/2010 5:41:32 PM)


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