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Community Rating: 4.058 / 5  (1169 votes)
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For those that think that Jace is bad, he is a card that when combined with the appropriate cards is beastly. For those who say that he makes competitive magic no fun, remember, you're playing competitive magic not a social game of go fish. I have a deck that uses only 2 copies of this combined with a few creatures and is heavy on board and creature control and they work amazing together and never loses.
Posted By: Mill_Master (4/10/2011 4:14:44 PM)


Posted By: CJM2 (6/20/2011 5:23:56 PM)


I gave it a 5/5 for power. Well designed card that warped the shit of the format it was in. Is it powerful? You bet! But does that make it awesome? Yes.

Rating on design is retarded because it encourages wizards not to print better cards.
Posted By: bfellow (7/6/2013 10:39:21 AM)


Jace the wallet sculpter? Somebody think up a better name for this cash cow. Worth every penny though =/
Posted By: Thomasbchillin (1/29/2010 4:45:01 PM)


Actually, you cant have both Jaces out. I inquired the same thing about both Chandras, and I was told that its the Name below the picture that counts. Since they both say "Planeswalker - Jace" they both are hit by the legendary rule. That being said, I need two for my Grixis Control deck :*(

It depends Bojart, if your talking in cases like Akroma, Angel of Wrath and Akroma, Angel of Fury, the legendary rule does not apply. The same can be said for Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker and Nicol Bolas. In those cases the names do differ (Wrath and Fury, "Planeswalker" as opposed to not.) But in the Jace/Chandra situation, they DO share a name at the subtype, therefore making the legendary rule apply, ya dig?
Posted By: NeoSin (4/28/2010 12:12:28 AM)


man, i remember the day my friend pulled this card out of a pack. i almost killed him. do you know why? HE PULLED A REGULAR AND HOLOGRAPHIC OUT OF THE SAME *** PACK. rediculous. at least i got too hold him
Posted By: PwNaGe712 (7/25/2011 8:55:46 PM)


I just witnessed my friend being hit by the ulti...he was playing against a deck with 4 spreading seas and 4 convincing mirages which mana screwed my friend....jace's first ability prevented him for getting any new lands....and boom. ouch. sucks to be him...
overall, this is a good card...very solid, has abilities to prevent it from being bolted to death too early(+2) and an unsummon to prevent some creatures from reaching him...in the right deck, maybe pulling off his ulti is not such an impossible feat
Posted By: no_body (2/5/2010 7:56:31 PM)


I donøt like this, forcing kids to pay 70$X4 is cruel. These mega expensive, mana-undercosted mythics are ruining the game. (Seriously, 4CMC Oo, just wrong).
I play vamps, and I'm glad that nocturnus rotated out,as he had the same money making mana-undercosted overpowered element.
There is only 1 thing I like about this card: to see my oponent play it, and look at the hex mage in my hand, oh the joy of killing a 70$ card for a card that costs below 1$.
Just hope they never reprint this again, it is an insult to all magic players, both those playing against him, and those who spend 280$ to get a playset.
Posted By: Sironos (12/1/2010 2:41:27 PM)


Worldwake: An exercise in overpowered cards.
Posted By: DysprosiumJudas (3/5/2011 1:09:07 PM)


When a common like Lightning Bolt is 4x autoinclude for any deck playing the color that's to be expected. 6 of the top 8 at Standard Worlds 2010 played blue and all played 4x Preordain...no problem there.

All 6 also played roughly $400 each of JTMS. Translated to FNM that makes this a pay to win game, which is no fun for people who would like to be competitive at ~$100 a deck or less. Given most games cost roughly $50 each for the entire game, $100 a deck seems a reasonable (or even high) amount to spend to be competitive.

If the 0 cost ability were a -2 cost ability and the casting cost 3UU, this card would still be strong, but closer to balance and more closely resembling a bigger Jace Beleren.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (3/6/2011 9:07:45 PM)


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