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Community Rating: 4.058 / 5  (1169 votes)
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Yeah... had this played against me in FNM last week and was basically blown away at how effective he is. The ultimate ability, as many planeswalker abilities are, is basically a game over effect.

I think his +2 leveler is a little on the weakside, but for a control deck it is amazing. The -1 unsummon is very nice as well, and the free Brainstorm is pretty sick.

All in all, I have to give it at least a 4.5/5, and that is probably just being picky.
Posted By: Gaussgoat (5/3/2010 9:47:24 AM)


finally caved in and bought a set of these... ugh. and to think, my car could totally be sitting on dubs if not for this little piece of cardboard.
Posted By: Tokosan (8/19/2010 10:02:16 AM)


Maybe the most versatile planeswalker with 4 above average abilities that compliment his color very well. Opened 2 worldwake boosters and ripped him. I thought " i guess this is kinda cool" ...and then I played him....wow! big pop ability is devastating if you can get there, and protecting him playing blue should be easier than most others. Jace the Nightmare-Maker!!
Posted By: mrbgddy (8/25/2010 7:27:03 AM)


"Attention players who are dumb enough to pay $100 for a card in standard. BOOM GOES THE BAN-HAMMER. Thank you, that is all" - Wizards of the Coast representative
Posted By: osrik (6/20/2011 10:58:21 AM)


lol at people that think they can just bolt a planeswalker the second they hit the table. priority people PRIORITY. look it up. on another note, they made this card too good. 4 abilities is what pushes this over the top imo.
Posted By: Jahpocalypse (7/15/2010 7:22:16 AM)


Opponent: I play jace the mind sculptor.
You: Crap.
Opponent: You wanna just scoop now?
You: No I'm a big boy I can handle humiliation.
Opponent: Ok if you say so *evil laugh*
Several turns later.
Opponent: Ok next turn I'm popping jace.
You: I play confinscate.
Opponent: WHAT!?
You: *chuckle*
You: Still have time to scoop if you want.
Opponent: .....

Now I say thats a perfect ending to a jace match lol.
Posted By: flare1122 (12/31/2010 7:24:19 AM)


This card, to me, encapsulates all that is blue. It's controlling--allowing one to influence top-deck draws for one's self and one's opponent. The -1 unsummon can also be a game changer, whether it be used on one's opponent's fattie on the field or cleansing your creatures of -1/-1 counters if need be.

The -12 gives one another win condition: 'nuff said.

Yes, this is the best card in standard as of writing. Yes, this card is overpowered. No, it is not broken. No, it should not be banned.

My two cents.
Posted By: CJMarshall (4/19/2011 12:02:57 AM)


Open your eyes! You all have fallen deeply... Blue-white control! unbelievable. Mono-Blue used to stand for something! Mono-blue used to be respected as the ONE and ONLY control deck. Blue-white control, Grixis Control, Esper Contol! unbelievable! Please, my fellow players remember and think back, where you actually had to think to win, to be intellectual to win. And if you were one of those people, you played mono-blue control. Mana-advantage, Card-advantage, and a wondrous, unbreakable milling success. Please think back. Know, that a mono-blue mage can shut down everything, it doesn't need help from White!!!! White prevents damage that they're about to take. Blue makes sure that ther IS NO DAMAGE! COUNTER, THEN BLOCK, PUMP JACE, AND KEEP BUILDING TO ONE SINGLE BLOW, A FORCE THAT CAN DESTROY ANY OTHER DECK! My friends, Blue is the forge of knowledge, the last stand of reason! White cares about law and order, yes, but a blue mage knows that to control everything, and hav... (see all)
Posted By: Sorin__Markov (6/11/2010 2:42:50 PM)


Probably the most versatile planeswalker helps combo decks, stasis decks, bounce decks. Most of his skills are based on previous mechanics and cards.

{+2} - Fateseal 1 - May seem underwhelming at first but can pretty much get does oblivion rings out of play.
{0} - Brainstorm - Everybody loved that card and this planeswalker basically lets you do it every turn like theres not tommorow
{-1} - Unsummon - Pretty solid if left untouched you can bounce creatures three times before this guy dies and you spent only 4 mana to do it.
{-12} - I think it's a unique ability unless I'm mistaken - Pretty much a game ender if your opponent doesn't have enough stuff in play already cause your hand is basically gone and your library is down to 7 cards at best. Your opponent should probably save up some land cards in hand if it gets to that to buy him some turns to fight back if this goes off.


Just to be clear all planeswalkers as of today are NOT legendary.

204.4d Any permanent with the sup... (see all)
Posted By: redcap04 (6/11/2010 5:50:16 AM)


I think Restrictions for both of them would have been enough :/ and I don't like either card.
Posted By: lorendorky (6/19/2011 11:10:22 PM)


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