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the whole turn stealing thing completely dominates, i played my deck with Markov against my deck with Darigaaz, the igniter Karrthus Tyrant of jund, Kumano Master Yamabushi, with all three out, its a tri-color burn deck and with Sorin's final ability, i dealt one damage to Darigaaz from Yamabushi and then five more to him from random burn spells in the deck, leaving Darigaaz out of the game. I probably could have done more with the turn but eliminating the igniter sufficed. Sorin won in the next couple turns.
Also i haven't seen anyone mention this, but he, like Bolas, picks up really quickly. Meaning, he can use his big ability and recover from it pretty easily. Liliana Vess and Chandra Nalaar are both also amazing but they go up by +1 loyalty, whereas Sorin, Bolas, and Jace all can build up a decent cushion before using their largest abilities so you can cast them within two turns of each other, that would take quite a wh... (see all)
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (1/3/2010 8:34:08 PM)


Awesome 1st ability, but his ultimate isn't as "zOMG he/she did WHAT?" like other planewalkers'. Still, the 1st ability kinda makes up for that.
Posted By: Hunterr (1/9/2010 1:03:53 AM)


Best planesalker ever. I second that motion. I can use him in my vampire changeling deck.

Posted By: EnV (1/22/2010 7:50:03 PM)


It was so fun taking control of by buddies turn while he was using Artifacts.

"I sacrifice everything to your Arcbound Ravager, then sacrifice Arcbound Ravager to itself, and tap all of the lands that I couldn't sacrifice. MY TURN! I WIN!"

Quite fun.
Posted By: Mafoo (2/2/2010 2:15:58 PM)


I just love this card , it easily destroys creatures with 2 life total and i gain life , then the mind control is just superb :) , this card saved me for so many ocassions :D 4 out five! if the mana cost is lower then it would be 5 hrehehe!
Posted By: daekoaram (2/2/2010 8:39:19 PM)


I think what we need to consider is all the vampire abilities that trigger when your opponent is at ten life. While his second ability is narrow, in a vampire deck, he can make all the stuff on your side of the field go wild really fast.
Posted By: GooberSnotpants (2/15/2010 1:33:41 PM)


Despite what people say he has some synergy with vampires, examples have been given. You can drain your opponent(s) with black sorceries / instants, but why would you ? Sorin can do it for you with snap of his fingers. It's not very obvious like in the case of Nissa but it's definitely there. Didn't WotC mention he is a vampire planeswalker and the 2nd oldest planeswalker. If I ever got a play-set of him, he'd go straight into my vampire deck replacing Liliana Vess.
Posted By: Nuclear_Pony (5/10/2010 8:49:28 AM)


one of my favorite cards. although unfortunately its hard to get him to the point where i can control a turn. like everyone i play is like im not letting that happen, but soo much fun when it does. one of my favorite magic cards, and characters. A plus =D
Posted By: slaveofbolas (5/11/2010 3:32:27 PM)


In my opinon the card that works best with sorin is Hidetsugu's Second Rite. Use sorin to deal 10 damage then use this. Awesome kill
Posted By: magicrocks18 (6/3/2010 9:18:59 PM)


just wondering if you can revive planes walkers with cards like animate dead, if so use a diabolic tutor to bring him to ur hand and then discard him (not hard in a mono black deck) and then bring him back with animate dead on potentially your 3 or 4th turn, put your opponent down to 10 health and then hit the rest with your now jacked up vampires with the ability of "if opponent has 10 or less life"
Posted By: yubbs (6/5/2010 6:39:53 PM)


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