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The synergy this guy has with the Zendikar vampire crew is incredible. Drop him on the table, set the opponent to 10 life, and obliterate them with:

Guul Draz Vampire - Fear + increase power
Bloodghast - Haste and recursion

+ all of the other Vampires in the crew that are deadly without the Life total issue.

His main ability is an awesome combo with Sanguine Bond, and is fairly devastating on its own.

His ultimate leaves a little to be desired, but should be enough to put someone away if you've got enough guys on the board.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (7/14/2010 8:15:56 AM)


Really cool, but very undervalued. Like, he hasn't really found a home. Cruel control ran him for a bit, I guess; he was the star of Grixis Burns, but that wasn't explored enough. He's kinda designed for vamps, with the whole ten-life synergy, but that only works with the aggro vamps, and he's too expensive, mana-wise, for that build. A mana cheaper and he'd probably have seen a lot more play. Too powerful to go ignored forever, though, especially once Alara block rotates and Type 2 really slows down, that six mana should become a lot more payable. Because for that six mana you can just whack them down to ten and set them on the clock, or shock them for 4-point life swings to set you up for mindslaver. Mindslaver. Wow. But with so much good burn around right now, and so much good card draw, that -3 ability looks almost as good....
Posted By: cloneffect (7/23/2010 1:49:15 AM)


Everytime someone managed to use his 3rd ability on me, it was a turn I couldn't do anything anyway. Could really screw someone over thought if he has abilities that say "sacrifice some permanent: something happens". If he has some counters waiting for you in his hand, you could counter his own cards~. Lot of fun possible, if used at the right time, that is.
Posted By: Daikoru (8/7/2010 11:46:28 PM)


I love Sorin. I've just put together a Superfriends-style multi-player deck using Liliana, Sorin, the first Chandra, Tezzeret, and Nicol Bolas. After Damation, I pop out Chandra or Sorin for crowd control. Sorin's 2nd ability is good for use either with Tezzeret's ultimate to bring down life-gainers to killing range or for an instant kill using Chandra's ultimate. Even better if Sorin only comes out when one of the other two is ready for an ultimate so they don't see Sorin coming in advance. Cool, cool art, cool, cool utility.
Posted By: Elder_Kraken (8/10/2010 7:09:42 PM)


Hands down, my favorite planeswalker....
Posted By: NickTrips (8/13/2010 5:07:15 PM)


This card is beast... I mean ok it takes a little work on mana, but he rewards!!!
Posted By: brianc_mtg72 (8/16/2010 8:53:57 PM)


@ PhyrexianLobbiest,

Vicious Hunger doesn't target both players and creatures. Not saying I like the mini lightning helix de***or better, but it might actually be more accurate than calling it a vicious hunger.

Additionally, you are not considered an "opponent" of yourself. So you can not use the second ability to bounce your life total back to 10.

Still a rad card, though.
Posted By: EggShen (8/23/2010 2:19:12 PM)


I still say it should be lgitimate to use his ultimate power to say "I make you concede during your next turn" now dance puppet, dance.
Posted By: hugemanatee (9/6/2010 5:31:04 AM)



Even if Mana burn still existed, you wouldn't have been able to use Sorin's Mindslaver ability to burn your oppenent because Wizards would have printed the same clause on Sorin that they did on the actual Mindslaver (the original print, not the reprint in Scars) that your opponent can't take mana burn while you control their turn.

In fact, when mana burn was still around, it that was in the official rules about taking over a player's turn.

So either way, you wouldn't have been able to use Sorin to make your opponent burn himself.
Posted By: Daijin26 (9/16/2010 8:05:02 AM)


Is it possible to put a 'Demonic Appetite' on a creature opponents controle while using his ultimatum?!?
Posted By: Toversnol (9/28/2010 2:11:45 PM)


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