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TVTropes claims this is a Sephiroth clone. That is ridiculous.
Posted By: Axelle (11/18/2012 4:52:35 PM)


Both Sorin planeswalker cards are pretty awesome. Lord of Innistrad is a more efficient play, but Sorin Markov will affect the game in a much more drastic fashion. The ability to reduce your opponent's life total to ten alone is worth it, and is capable of at least putting you back in a game that you had otherwise lost. And not to mention essentially being able to extort two life from opponents is rather nice, especially for a bleeder style player like me.

The one thing I'm curious about is what exactly you can do when you "control your player's next turn". Can you make them attack themselves? Can you Blasphemous Act them? Say your opponent has a Jace, The Mind Sculptor, can you have Jace exile their library instead? That's what I want to know.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (3/23/2013 5:27:13 PM)


My first Mythic, he been in pretty much every deck that can use him.
5/5 Stars
Edit, Probably my second favorite Planeswalker behind Jace, at least Vorthos wise
Posted By: Hunter06 (5/20/2013 6:56:46 AM)


Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (7/22/2013 8:49:48 PM)


Sorin and Blood Baron are BFFs in EDH.
Posted By: lewis440lewis (3/18/2014 2:03:54 PM)


Sorin is much better than he looks. Six mana might seem like a lot for someone who just does two damage each turn, but I've found that his +2 ability almost always ends up killing some annoying creature, and if it doesn't, it can just hit the opponent. Not to mention that he can set the opponent's life total to 10 instantly upon coming out.
Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/25/2014 3:53:42 PM)


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