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Community Rating: 3.852 / 5  (381 votes)
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Out of the new planeswalkers from Zendikar, yes he's by far the best. 2 damage and gain 2 life, I'll take it and taking an opponent down to ten is okay (his weakest ability in my mind). Taking another players turn is also no joke, look for black control to come back.... Yippeee. My favorite color is black and they are making it the best; thank you.
Posted By: LovesBlack212 (10/16/2009 11:52:48 PM)


Infinitely better than Nissa. Sorin won't get burned and killed instantly like Nissa will, he'll get to his ultimate 17 times as fast and his ultimate isn't potentially suicidal for his controller. Mindslaving is a cool ability and his artwork is extremely good.
Posted By: Laguz (9/25/2009 10:59:08 PM)


strictly worse than storm crow
Posted By: Layton (2/1/2010 4:44:16 PM)


Cool card, but a little to costly.
Posted By: faisjdas (4/6/2010 1:55:04 PM)


So... he has Ajani Vengeant's -2 ability for 1 less damage, only it gives him +2. Sure he costs 2 more mana, but even getting out Vengeant 2 turns earlier, he only has 1 more loyalty counter than Markov comes in with, and then proceeds to gain them slower. This card basically just takes Vengeant, slaps him in the face a couple times and calls him a sissy. I don't like it.
Posted By: Aburaishi (11/20/2010 11:16:14 PM)


Posted By: blackhart-xxx (10/12/2009 6:54:32 PM)


Mindslaver was/is awesome. It was like a SUPER Word of Command. This guy is THE S*** (read UBER_GUY). I can't WAIT to get a playset! Muah-ha-ha!
Posted By: Plantboy81 (10/15/2009 2:22:53 AM)


best card in my deck I can make people scream in 2hg dropping there hp to 1/4 on the 6th turn, or in 1v1 picking out monsters with toughness 2 or less and then mind control to waist people's spells. Mostly this card make sure my fire swamp deck finish anyone off no matter what kind of deck he has by making sure he is in that 10 hp range.
Posted By: dienoob (2/22/2011 2:59:33 PM)


Confirmed as being in Magic 2012.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (5/23/2011 1:50:23 AM)


I run him in my casual level up deck, using Gilder Bairn, Training Grounds, and Paradise Mantle to increase his counters the turn he's dropped. Funniest thing to do, using Lighthouse Chronologist with him in Multiplayer and telling everyone, that can either give up or watch as you play with yourself.
Posted By: grok_grok (6/16/2011 11:50:45 AM)


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