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Community Rating: 3.852 / 5  (381 votes)
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He's Back in M12!
Posted By: D3nt3 (6/22/2011 6:59:35 AM)


it's official he's going to be reprinted in M12 I just hope he dosn't replace my liliana
Posted By: marwinshieldscale (6/22/2011 10:10:51 PM)


i really need this card!!!!!!!
Posted By: dabarne (7/3/2011 5:38:35 PM)


Sorin says you take two dmg his buddy gains two life

Sorin says you take two dmg his buddy gains two life

your turn

Uh oh!!... Sorin did'nt say go, you lose your turn ^_^
Posted By: Raveknight (10/30/2009 10:27:33 PM)


This has to be my favorite card ever printed. The art is fantastic to say the least.
I play him in a UB removal control deck with lots of bounces, counterspells and destroy effects. So pretty much by turn six, my opponent has very little in play anyhow. I drop Sorin and I win. Happens every time.

Yes. That's right. 5000/5
I don't think Sorin Markov can be rated in stars. He is comparable only to Hennessy.

- Eternal life, eternal love, or a single glass of Hennessy?
Tough choice, but I'll take the Hennessy thanks -
Posted By: BloodJunkie (12/30/2010 9:11:56 PM)


He's good but I have the feeling that people tend to overrate him nonetheless, especially when they say Chandra Nalaar is worthless compared to him.
I mean, Chandra is easier to cast, since she costs one mana less and only two colored mana instead of three. She also comes into play with 6 counters and has 7 after the first activation, while this guy comes into play with 4 and has 6 after activation, even though he costs more mana. Also Chandra can kill creatures with up to 6 toughness the turn she comes into play, while Sorin can only kill those with up to 2 toughness.
He's good, but quickly overrated imho.
Posted By: majinara (10/17/2009 6:55:28 AM)


i still think Elspeth, Knight-Errant is the best planeswalker. but sorin is still disgusting
Posted By: bpmbrent (1/15/2010 3:30:35 AM)


Meh. Too expensive, and the second ability is a bit narrow. Also, controlling the opponent's turn is nice but it's not the game-ender that you get from certain other planeswalkers.
Posted By: Belz_ (10/16/2009 4:36:42 AM)


The Vampire Lord. Sickest Planeswalker Alive . The Art Is Beyond Amazing. And Hes Got A Built In Mindslaver.
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (9/25/2009 11:50:51 AM)


Seriously, when were you planning on using the second ability? Am I missing something, or is this about the last card that you'd want in a vampire aggro deck?
Posted By: mangadan (10/22/2009 3:42:26 PM)


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