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This guy is officially the new most powerful planeswalker. He's easy to use, and even though his last ability is way awesome and very powerful, its the second ability I'm interested in. If you play him for 6 mana, use that 10 life ability right away, and then next turn play 2 soul's fire on a 5 creature (which is really easy these days), for 3 mana a piece at 6 mana (note that 6 mana is the same amount you need to put sorin on the field), then you win the game.. in two turns.. on like turn 6-7. Either your opponent has a conter spell or they can't come back from that, and you can still also drain 2 life off them the next turn as well, for a total of 12 instant damage at 6 mana. On top of that, there are a lot of new vampires whose ability reads "if opponent has 10 life or less" and it activates all those abilities, and in a much cooler way than nissa and her elves since your vampires don't have to be in play or even have vampires at all to get the use of it. He can also "ping" oth... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (9/26/2009 5:36:46 PM)


What to say? You control target player next turn. However, with deck in which half of cards give me life, I think Ajani Goldmane is better for me.
Posted By: Neutralion (10/20/2009 4:48:48 AM)


Do you guys reckon i should trade s lotus cobra for a sorin markov? i want to add him to my vampire deck, and i was just wondering if it was a good trade.
Posted By: Ventrisor (3/14/2010 2:46:59 PM)


If you use his -3 ability in EDH you're a tool that likes to suck fun out of games and strictly plays the format to win and win alone. You should go elsewhere if you do this...some people actually like to create their own fun (with the others at the table) as opposed to completely sapping someone else's by ending their game on turn 6. /rantend

~someone who has had to exit casual EDH games too often because of this
Posted By: PKleck (7/1/2011 10:43:24 AM)


I have only one thing to say:

His first ability is not a "mini" Lightning Helix. It's Vicious Hunger.

His second ability is useful in that it can target any player, including yourself; bouncing yourself back up to 10 life at the brink of death is very very handy in a mono black deck. Especially considering he gets the loyalty back fairly quickly.

His last ability is nuts. It's a shame Mana Burn no longer exists though.
Posted By: PhyrexianLobbiest (6/26/2010 5:45:32 PM)


Cool guy, ugly fingers
Posted By: fanofmagic (1/5/2011 11:43:47 AM)


His minus ability is only mediocre, it might bring victory back into view if you opponent just did some ridicules combo to get five million life or something, although that a bit of a stretch of the imagination, its still best to consider all possibilities.

I think what this ability was actually meant for was to allow certain combos to happen when your opponent's life is at ten. (A lot of new vampires seem to have some effect pertaining to that) The only downside with this is that you can't spam this minus ability like you can with Jace, Garruk, Nico Boles, or a few others. So there isn't much of an extra function to explore with this move. This makes him slightly rigged.

In my opinion the best part about this plainswalker is his plus ability and his highish loyalty. His plus ability allows for healing, kill-power, slow damage, and the list goes on. His high loyalty combined with this makes him tough to get rid of and puts is ultimate ability within reach on turn number two after y... (see all)
Posted By: Zoah (5/2/2010 10:19:37 PM)


Slightly off topic sorry, but heres my new plainswalker idea

Phage the Untouchable (3)BBBB
Comes with 5
+1 Pay 2 life, This life loss cannot be reduced or redirected
-2 Remove target creature from the game
-8 Target opponet Looses the game

Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/19/2010 4:53:51 PM)


this is the best card ever the first ability rocks and you can deal instant damage and gain instant life. also his second move can be casted inasantly. so first move you get i either there at 10 or your at ten if your already at 3 or something. and finally you can take over there turn though you can't forefit for them you can waste there stuff tap them monsters and force them to play right into your plan. but aside from the abilitys this is deffinantly my favorite art or card if you have more than one hundred dollars i recomend you put this in your deck. all the planeswalkers are very good but this is my fav followed by jace the mindsculptor/berline and liliana vess (or however you spell it ) thses are my fav's.
Posted By: sorin688 (3/19/2011 8:00:24 AM)


seems like the second ability will be more useful then the last ability most of the time.
Posted By: greenandblack (3/8/2010 6:59:20 PM)


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