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I would rather pay 2 more mana for Nicol, honestly. But then again, Hes in myh Grixis control deck WITH Nicol, and having the two of them out at the same time means I win : )
Posted By: NeoSin (4/23/2010 12:01:20 AM)


I dont really like him, his first ability is great, probably one of the best a pw has gained so far.

his secound ability is not so great,

his third ability is one i dont like, by the time you get his third ability pumped out, your opponent probably wont have any cards left in his hand, or any worth using, although you could get lucky and be able to pull off something big.
point is gaining control of someones turn sounds better thatn it really is.

but at least with most other pw, you know what your getting with their third ability!

I think i would rather all my cards to be indestructible thank you very much,

or to gain all creatures in the graveyard,

or a heap of dragons,

or deal 10 damage to my opponent and all their creatures

but he is very flavourful and i wouldnt say he is bad (except for his cost)

Posted By: Ava_Adore (12/10/2009 6:35:02 AM)


This is easily the best planeswalker out of them all, his abilities are amazing plus hes a vampire
Posted By: Dalika (10/22/2009 9:00:24 AM)


good card, but controlling players turn isnt too useful...
Posted By: hardstones (12/9/2009 9:41:06 PM)


The art is awesome but the card is overhyped. What kind of deck would ever use him?
Posted By: makochman (10/2/2009 11:02:13 AM)


I find it interesting that a Black creature is able to control another players turn, but I like this card none the less. The fact that his first ability can target creatures or players is good and it gives him a plus. I really like the art, like he's looking down at his pray.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (4/20/2010 8:17:53 AM)


The planeswalker I rate the lowest, to be honest. Cannot see how I'd make him fit into any of the decks I've ever played with.
Posted By: Delixu (4/22/2011 12:51:54 PM)


Posted By: RamenRazer (10/3/2009 3:58:07 AM)


So. Sorin, Lord of Innistrad:

+1 make a vamp token with lifelink
-2 make an anthem emblem
-6 destroy 3 other planeswalkers and steal them

Makes tokens with lifelink. Interesting. Strong, but overpowered? unlikely.

*** out emblems. Now that's new. but doesn't increase toughness, so Red can still use any number of sweepers without worry.

Ultimate: oh. oh gods. this is horribly broken. No, literally, this guy will get banned everywhere Doubling Season is legal. Why?

Experiment Kraj, plus Doubling Season, plus Sorin Lord of Innistrad.
Sorin enters the battlefield with 6 due to Doubling Season. Experiment Kraj can use Sorin's Ultimate and target Sorin. Sorin comes back with 6, you steal 2 other Walkers. repeat ad infinitum to steal all creatures and Planeswalkers on the battlefield. Commander just died.

EDIT: yes, I know Kraj's abilities works on creatures. I also know people have already cracked Kraj + Planeswalkers. I forget the cards to do it, but look up Kraj's comments. It all... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/12/2012 8:48:54 AM)


what happens if both players have sorin on the table, and both are at or above 7 loyalty? let's player A uses his sorin to take control of player B's next turn. while controlling player B's turn, player A uses player B's sorin's ultimate to take control of his own next turn. would that be a way to waste player B's loyalty counters by having player A take control of his own next turn? or would it cause player B to control player A's next turn?
Posted By: Uhhsam (3/9/2010 6:31:47 PM)


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