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Wound Reflection GG
Posted By: Zombiemouse (4/1/2012 10:50:27 AM)


Could someone explain to me how this card is a 'planeswalker plinker'? Am I missing something in the rules of the planeswalker supertype compared to players and the creature supertype?
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (9/29/2009 8:52:29 PM)


I have a rather simple question but I don't recall seeing a post regarding the answer. Is Sorin Markov considered a vampire? This would provide some additional benefits to a vampire deck. Any info on this matter is greatly appreciated.
Posted By: Omnibeing (10/25/2009 7:43:06 AM)


I'd really only play him for the first two abilities, and even then he's marginally two expensive for my liking. The last ability I can only see being occasionally useful. If it was closer to a Sen Triplets-esque ability while still adding something extra like not having to pay mana costs of spells you stole then I would see the appeal.
Posted By: OMFGrhombus (2/15/2010 11:40:28 PM)


Wow, Sorin is quite cute too xD

Now, speaking seriosly: He is awesome, aside with Liliana, he is my fav plaineswalker.

I find the last ability so much fun, is a test for your capacity to screw yourself, but using he opponent deck as a guinea pig xD
Posted By: NatalyNeeSama (8/2/2011 5:48:06 AM)


So that's why the second ability sets the opponent to ten life.
Also pretty nice to kill a creature every turn and get life from it.
Posted By: Saha (9/26/2009 6:12:22 AM)


This card single handedly destroyed me at a prerelease. His first ability is great and his second one is a death sentence if they have vampires that can benefit...
Posted By: Volcre (9/28/2009 8:02:29 AM)


Quite possibly the best Planeswalker so far.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (9/28/2009 10:36:43 AM)


This Vamp takes down 'walkers, creatures, players... This guy's all you need! I will definately try for a playset!
Posted By: Adren (9/29/2009 11:13:09 AM)


basically just Chandra Nalaar 2.0. he is better the more health your opponent has and the more 10- vampires you have. if they let you target your allies, you could potentially save them if they had less then 10 life and were about to die
Posted By: darkfury (10/5/2009 5:01:39 PM)


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