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2 dmg and 2 life much better then chandra Nalaar
Posted By: yasin757 (10/6/2009 10:05:52 AM)


first off 6 manna isn't that much really, not when you can use his second ability right off the bat, bring in a couple blood ghasts with a single drop of a land, and suddenly all your Gull Draz Vampire's gain intimidate? oh and even if you can't manage that just having Vampire Nocturnous on the field with maybe 2 other vampires (and considering how cheap vampires are) is no difficult task to finish the game in the turn Sorin hits the field. The only thing about it is that by turn six if your vampires haven't already brought your opponents lifepoints down below ten on their own, your in trouble anyway. and yes Omnibeing, he is a vampire and there are a couple vampire cards that go well with him.
Posted By: Zangetsu00 (10/27/2009 11:24:41 PM)


For those who ask about the vampireness of Sorin, he's only a vampire flavorly. His first two abilities reflects this : drinking blood (damage and gain of life), 10 life (which activates many vampires' abilities). However, it is not considered a vampire, for his planeswalker status overwrite any other thing he could have been. Take Tezzeret. Even with his etherium enhancements, it is not considered an artifact, because it is a planeswalker.

It is a great addition to vampire decks, however, due to the synergy with them, and providing a late-game answer to life-gain or anything that stops all of your creatures (like a Meishin, the Mind Cage or a Blazing Archon).
Posted By: Dilleux_Lepaire (11/3/2009 11:11:41 AM)


His second ability + Hidetsu's second rite = INSTANT WIN

Plus life drain for +2 (not 1!) and reusable mindslaver BEST PLANESWALKER YET

only downside is high mana cost, but once you get him out, his +2 loyalty first ability will make him faster than most other planeswalkers
Posted By: b00kworm (11/3/2009 2:01:18 PM)


Lightning Helix/ Magister Sphinx's 2nd ability /Time Warp all wrapped into ONE Planeswalker? Awesome. PLUS it gives people a second look at Mono-black decks, again!!

edit: Mindslaver is TOTALLY different than Time Warp. You CONTRO that players ENTIRE turn, then, I suppose. Ergo, you look at their hand, and stuff...still...YAY!!
Posted By: Jokergius (11/5/2009 11:10:47 AM)


In a Vampire deck with the lifelink vamps to keep you alive until he comes out works. Also throwing in four Dark Rituals to a Legacy deck works. He does really well in a tribal deck like Nissa.
Posted By: benlivinmusic (11/11/2009 5:48:32 PM)


Sorin is a card that in theory is both awkward, but powerful. In practice, I have found in my experience, he's rather... effective. I've never not had him out, and thought "I wish this was something else". I have however, had times when I could never muster the mana to play him, or even if I could play him, that he was the best play I could make in that turn. But, such is the fate of all expensive planeswalkers.

For what he does, he wouldn't be fair at five mana. Six is a fair cost, but it's a high cost. In a modern black deck, It's either cast X and Y, or play Z (this guy) and nothing else that turn, the turn you're probably close to winning (or losing).

I just hope that this guy's printing won't preclude the printing of a Baron Sengire PW, my one dream for MTG.
Posted By: Smoked_Peasant (11/21/2009 9:07:54 AM)


oh man get this...i dont think i will ever see his last ablity used so well....i made the guy cast contol magic on his own creature...made him demonic tutor for a blightning and cast it on him self
Posted By: theabyss (12/3/2009 3:37:18 PM)


Second ability = synergy with a lot of "If opponent has 10 or less life" vamps.
Posted By: Snaxme (12/17/2009 10:26:24 AM)


This card is crazy. This card single-handedly won me a tournament once.
Posted By: gamerboy6000 (12/29/2009 1:19:55 PM)


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