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Fits the goblin idea of "we're not perfect, but you can't ignore us," sort of theme is prevalent here. It reminds me of Orcish Cannoneers by being mana-cost-less damage with a cost. The sniper's cost is a fragile body and CMC 3. Best if used as a target for Lightning Crafter to champ.
Posted By: MattLynn (5/19/2013 2:51:14 AM)


This should have been 1 CMC and rare instead.
Posted By: Earthdawn (6/5/2013 8:42:40 AM)


It's nice that he does 1 damage regardless and you don't have to tap him out, but I think I would rather stick with other pingers that can also target creatures.
Posted By: lilwolf2005 (12/25/2013 5:39:20 PM)


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