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Community Rating: 2.691 / 5  (34 votes)
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Adding First Strike as an ability would have really helped this creature.
Posted By: MechaKraken (6/14/2011 8:25:02 AM)


A 1/1 flying deathtouch? This should've costed 1G at most.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/28/2011 3:39:10 AM)


Flyer + "deathtouch" in green, it has its uses. I think I would rather go for Deadly Recluse though.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/4/2012 6:42:07 PM)


Still 4 for a 1/1 any way you slice it.
Posted By: Opined_Fluke (8/22/2013 8:36:23 PM)


@tavaritz: dont think of flying as evasion in this sense, but rather the ability to block (and thus kill) another subset of attackers. He is able to block the vast majority of creatures in the game, save shadow and flat out unblockables.

edit: also, basilisk vs ***atrice? really? I dont often use the term "strictly better", but in this case it really is. Same CMC exactly, same p/t, and ability templating, but one flys and the other doesnt. I would like to know your reasoning for your preference to the land-locked version.... if you would ever even see this, that is.....

@ PhyrexianLobbiest: one sided wrath if the other side is entirely capable of blocking a flyer, that is....
Posted By: Bbone37 (3/10/2014 12:38:50 PM)


The preference to the basilisk vs ***atrice is namely the thicket basilisk and lure combo. Both cards were printed in the beginning and was a popular green win con back in those days.
Posted By: Urzasbeard (5/17/2014 7:41:18 PM)


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