"When Reiver Demon comes into play, if you played it from your hand, destroy all non-artifact, nonblack creatures. They cannot be regenerated."
Does this only destroy creatures or also enchantements & lands?
Posted By:
(7/28/2009 1:34:47 PM)
strictly better than plague wind.
Posted By:
(3/6/2011 3:28:15 PM)
Posted By:
(7/17/2010 8:08:32 PM)
*BOOOM* *Crackle* *pop*
Posted By:
(7/6/2009 9:00:26 PM)
I don't even know how the "can Reiver Demon destroy Akroma" discussion even came up. If I remember, there was an article when the decks were released where the main creatures of the deck fought each other (nice little article, check it out if you haven't) and at some point Reiver Demon killed Akroma. Anyway, it has been already well explained how that happens.
This is really one of those card that makes me want to turn to the Dark Side.... Powerful, cool mechanic and art
Posted By:
(7/4/2010 2:30:03 AM)
I guess this is fair after all white dose have mass calcify.
Posted By:
(8/20/2010 8:55:45 PM)
No words exists to tell how stupid ReiverDemon666's comment is. Its a f*cking four-line ability that directely reads "Creatures". Come on, english isn't that hard of a languange!
Back on topic. Revier Demon is a pretty awesome card. A 6/6 flier for 8 may not be good, but attach a 9 mana sorcery to it and it becomes pretty damn good, even though it has a gigantic mana-cost (And that's why Dark Ritual was printed).
I do, however, agree, that demons needs a comeback. What's wrong with gargantuan creatures of doom for 3 mana? Personally, I like that idea.
Posted By:
(9/9/2010 2:01:46 AM)
This guy is one hell of a demon. You get a big, reasonably efficient flier and, if you're running mostly black (and this thing's casting cost says you are) one-sided boardwipe for the price of just the demon. All demons should be portrayed as grinning evilly; this guy could teach them all.
Posted By:
(11/5/2010 6:44:42 PM)
I would much rather have lesser demons in my deck rather than all those stupid imps
Posted By:
(1/20/2011 6:58:26 AM)
And what if your opponent is playing black/artifact? Not to mention your own white/green/blue/red/colorless creatures would get wtfpwned. Plague Wind would be better in both of those cases. No, it's not strictly better.
Posted By:
(3/7/2011 11:12:29 PM)