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I usually tell the bad things of a card instead of the good ones coz everyone else tells them; but here it seems the opposite, so I'll be rational: low mana cast for what it does, not for what you'd pick to put into a deck; unstoppable in limited or draft.
Since when did "doesn't have shroud" been a bad thing? cough*Sphinx-of-jwar-isle-maybe-?*cough*learn-to-play-without-shroud-!*cough.
As last line I'll add: 1-if you're playing blue you are able to protect this sphinx. 2- 7 mana is not technically "aggro thing", unless your playing some kind of weird overwhelming-unplayable cards deck?, and BTW this is BLUE so don't associate it with aggro, completely different things. And 3- the only way to get a creature in the table you know is casting it from your hand?.
Posted By: WER386 (3/7/2010 4:40:19 PM)


At first I thought this was terrible.

A vanilla flyer?
Look at the BS white and black can get away with.

But then I stopped and thought about it.
There's nothing actually wrong with this guy.
His cost/size ratio is above the curve, he's enormous, he flies, he looks cool as all getout.

He to me speaks volumes about how far we've come since yesteryear, and the fact that this card can be considered bad scares me.

Mahamoti Djinn

How much better is Goliath than good old Mahamoti?
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (1/31/2010 9:09:58 PM)


Take Mahamoti Djinn, once considered THE blue creature, increase its casting cost by ONE, its power by THREE, and it's toughness by one, and its still considered bad in today's environment.

How far we've come, folks.

Still, I'd like to see him show up in a core set at some point, if for the art alone.
Posted By: Nagoragama (9/19/2010 9:39:06 PM)


He's only a target the turn after he's summoned. After that a decent blue player will somehow counter removal, what with 7 mana lying around. Blue does the unexpected, and this thing is certainly unexpected.
Posted By: blindthrall (3/15/2011 10:36:40 AM)


A lot of the comments on here sound like they're coming from some pretty spoiled people. This is a great creature with an evasion ability and low CC. Might as well say it's "Strictly worse than Mox".
Posted By: FragNutMK1 (3/22/2010 12:58:35 AM)


"Meh, I give it a 2.5/5. It's not a bad card, just not a particularly good card. To be honest, this seems more like an uncommon to me, certainly not a rare. But oh well, I'll still find a place for the one I pulled out of a booster." --IshubarashI

I love it. Someone who sounds awfully certain about putting a card into a deck, even though the card is only "a 2.5/5". Great stuff.

To Tezz: If rarity were determined by "how much a card does for its cost", Skyshroud Elf, Doom Blade, Pyroclasm, and Counterspell would all be rare cards. Those cards can affect quite a number of things. I'm not even thinking hard - there are bound to be many more cards with wide-ranging effects that are not rares - or uncommons, either.

In my opinion, Basic Land cards are among the most powerful in the game, because most decks (of most players) depend on Basic Land cards in order to do ANYTHING. They have a pretty wide rang... (see all)
Posted By: humor_love (12/13/2011 10:48:31 AM)


So you guys don't like that he is bland, so what? 7cmc for an 8/7 without drawbacks is almost unheard of for anything other then then green or multi. And since flying is supposed to belong to blue and not white, doesn't it make sense that blue should get a flier that kicks the crap out of Akroma, Angel of Wrath? (Granted I still prefer my Akroma's to this do to the amazing first strike, vigilance, flying combo.)

This is a great card for blue to have, no matter how boring you think it is.
Posted By: Eved (1/31/2010 4:18:18 AM)


He can be a beastly bit of muscle late game with a blue control. Matches that have a lot of life-gain and control tend to go on long enough to make this creature perfectly viable. True, it doesn't fit the control theme as well as some of the other Spynxes, but sometimes you just need muscle, and this brings quite a bit of it. A friend of mine threw a lot of muscle into his deck after a string of long matches in which he played his deck flawlessly, but still lost. Looking through, he realized the Djiin of Wishes was one of the only cards in the deck that lent any reasonable amount of damage.

Tossed in this with a few other Sphinxes and a handful of drakes, and suddenly the damageless control deck was second only in output to my Burn/Mana Sat, only with more defensive options.
Posted By: SoulShatterer (6/28/2010 9:24:36 AM)


Best rare ever, it's hard to even insult him because of how little there is to insult.
Posted By: Lestat13 (1/30/2010 11:21:09 PM)


Decent I'll agree, but I prefer Stormtide Leviathan for my blue evasive fatty. Dumb fatty feels rather flavorfully antithetical to blue to me, though mechanically it isn't.
Posted By: mikluemp (1/3/2011 11:32:01 AM)


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