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Community Rating: 4.512 / 5  (252 votes)
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Very interesting and sexy, the art alone justifies mythic status. Makes a particular breed of legacy retard bow their collective heads in shame. Awesome all round, 5/5.
Posted By: ZombieSnail (7/19/2010 9:55:31 PM)


Even without its trap trigger, this is to my knowledge the second most powerful counterspell, after Time Stop. It's fairly reasonable for what it does, too. The fact that it's free against big casting sprees just makes it awesome, and a total kick in the nards to anyone who tries to make huge plays, especially if you're tapped out.
Posted By: SleetFox (7/25/2010 9:17:12 PM)


For those of you saying this card was made with Vintage and Legacy in mind. You are right. But most of you also do not think of what comes from later sets.

This card STOPS Emrakul mainly because the protection doesn't kick in until he is on the field. Also works well with any deck that uses blue. This card is sideboard material seeming how not all the people you face will cast three spells in one go making the trap cost pointless. I would personally switch out a Cancel or two for this.
Posted By: Teakon (8/11/2010 5:31:29 PM)



Creatures are only spells while on the stack, unless noted otherwise.
They are permanents when they actually hit the field.
Posted By: Evermint (8/22/2010 12:26:38 AM)


Good against storm, but not as good as everyone hoped. I mean, what storm player wouldn't hit you with a Duress or Thoughtseize while going off in order to get around this?
Posted By: GainsBanding (9/23/2010 6:05:49 PM)


That was a long post, but it answered every single question I had before they were even asked. Thanks.

djbon2112 = 5/5
Posted By: divine_exodus (9/27/2010 5:50:45 PM)


@ Shukakun:
If you cast an instant/sorcery on a Precursor Golem the extras are copied onto the stack, not cast, so you won't be able to play it for free. Of course it works just fine hardcasting.
Posted By: TheKeiser (10/13/2010 11:06:30 PM)


yeah this card does stop storm decks, that's why you duress your opponent before playing your storm spell.
Posted By: krumtheslow (11/2/2010 4:01:10 PM)


If an opponent has cast three spells in any turn, you get a free Counterspell with remove from game. If not, it's still a Cancel with RFG that can hit every spell on the stack, for only +1 mana, which is worth it without the trap ability. If you screw up and leave no open mana, and your opponent then hits you with a ton of spells, sure, you might get to use it for the trap cost and exile those 3+ cards at once... but that's not the point. It has nearly 5/5 for a reason, and it deserves the rating.
Posted By: Zaneshift (11/19/2010 1:37:18 PM)


Very situational imo, wouldn't include it in my deck.
A card that is meant to be against storm or cascade, neither of which is standard...
Maybe a way to make sure the opponent's blood ghast or vengevine doesn't go to graveyard... But do you want keep 4 mana open to counter?
Free counter if an opponent cast 3 spells in one turn...
I don't like it. give me time stop, there's a super counter for ya!
Posted By: Sironos (12/4/2010 8:04:10 AM)


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