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Works really well with Æther Vial because you won't needing the mana anyway. Especially when you Wasteland them then vial in Thalia, Guardian of Thraben.
Posted By: Kurraga (11/12/2013 6:19:31 AM)


Really you just have to be smart with this card; Weigh the benefits of tapping out a certain land of opponent's at a certain time against using two less mana on your turn to cast spells, whether that be on your next turn or holding out from your last turn and using the Port on your opponent's turn. There are a lot of situations it'll be worth the slow-down in tempo, but obviously you don't use it every turn on just any land.
Posted By: Yukikah (1/22/2014 9:25:26 PM)


Seems like the 2-for-1 only really matters if you are behind. If you make your land drops every turn and happen to be on the play (and your opponent isn't ramping you) then it will always be more profitable to tap them down. Not to mention if they are playing Urzatron, Academy/cradle/Nykthos or wastelands this pretty much levels out the game.
I can't truly appreciate how annoying this card actually is since I haven't played it. I remember playing against a white weenie deck at my first FNM, where the other guy was playing Gideon's lawkeeper and I had virtually no removal spells to cope with them. I can imagine a format where this is legal at 4 to be kinda like that only worse.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (2/10/2014 6:04:55 PM)


This card is so good. I wish I would have never sold both of my playsets. When masques block was in standard city of brass was played heavy. Yeah I will keep tapping your city and ping you to death with it. I alway ran 4 in my land destruction and left the city of brass on the table for damage. Complete control and it won me plenty of tournaments.
Posted By: b2daq (2/26/2014 1:02:14 PM)


I hate these kind of cards. They can be used in pretty much any deck, and you don't have much reason not to. It gives every deck a "if you can't beat 'em join 'em" attitude, and those that can't fork over the cash are left in the dust.
Posted By: Tribor (3/5/2014 10:55:10 AM)


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