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ColorlessGorilla TitanColorless anybody? That was just somthing I thought of off the top of my head. This card has the potential to screw over so many decks like dredge, re-animator, and nether decks. This card I would only see when people are metagaming and even still, its only good when it's late game.
Posted By: deep-fried.vengance (2/13/2010 11:55:53 PM)


Why doesn't WotC playtest their cards anymore?
Posted By: Shard_Fenix (3/22/2011 11:40:25 PM)


I was utterly blind sided by this card the first time it was played on me. I'd like to find more Trickbinds to counter it's effect. If WotC is gonna make a card with this much power for such a minimal cost and at such low rarity it needs to make cards that can bring cards from back from the Out of Play pile, or more cards like Trickbind. It's ridiculous, but admittedly good for mill decks.
Posted By: Dobruk (7/2/2010 11:16:10 PM)


Traumatize, archive trap, bojuka bog, NUFF SAID!!!!
Posted By: Wolcorpse33 (8/20/2010 10:12:41 PM)


1) Realistically, will people main deck these? Probably not, since you can't fetch it, and it's not a dual land. That's one spot that could be used for mana fixing.

Above is a quote from Nickkom...

(Graveyard Use)
I believe that you can fetch this Land with Grim Discovery, from the Zendikar set: which allows you to " choose one or both-Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand; or return target land card from your graveyard to your hand.
( Fetching from hand)
Your thinking that don't explain it right, OK tutor it up with Diabolic Tutor... To bring it to your hand!
(Graveyard other use)
I know your wondering why I am saying this is a fetch able land, right? Consider this: say your opponent finds a way to destroy your land with "Tectonic Edge" or you sac it yourself for the pu... (see all)
Posted By: o0_Masterspawn_0o (5/8/2010 7:36:10 PM)


It's not nearly as good as Tormod's Crypt, but dredge and reanimator are annoying to play against so anything helps. I really can't see anyone maindecking these in eternal formats though. The fact that you can only play lands during your turn renders this almost useless against reanimator.
Posted By: Laguz (8/9/2010 1:22:58 AM)


Should I run two or so in my Vampire deck?
Posted By: persecutor (6/8/2010 12:58:57 PM)


Printing this was a big mistake. BBog has singlehandedly destroyed much of the enjoyment in our multiplayer games. It fits in any deck, is uncounterable, doesn't cost even a card slot. Too efficient and too boring! 0.5/5 for poor design, insufficient testing & flawed thinking.
Posted By: AncientTimer (12/2/2011 9:12:29 AM)


Obviously very effective for what it does... although there are so many good cards that play against the opponents graveyard for black, it is somewhat of a double-edged sword.

Still, pretty amazing for what it does.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (1/30/2010 8:21:50 PM)


Nice! Perfect for a wishboard with Living Wish! Saves space in the SB for graveyard hate as well:D
Posted By: Saigmundur (1/31/2010 4:15:40 AM)


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