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Fresh meat?


I totally agree, even shoehorning the Sun Titan + Dauntless Escort combo into the Mayael deck usually just came up flat. Congregation at dawn usually helped assemble it when you have one piece but there are more entertaining things to do... Like Wild Pair

Edit: so...I've spent a lot of time playtesting my Mayael the Anima EDH deck and I've found that this card often ends up being one of my win conditions. Between Dauntless Escort and Avacyn, angel of hope this is most likely going to be a finisher. I was able to drop this turn four after a turn 3 Garruk, Primal hunter and there was no coming back for them after that.
Posted By: MindAblaze (8/12/2013 3:22:46 PM)


I really hope that somebody at R&D wanted to make him unblockable just to be a jerk.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (11/21/2013 2:24:05 PM)


This isn't legendary... One of the most insane fatties in the game, mythic art and flavor text, and there are several of the things running around zendikar? That's it, naya ramp here I come.
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (12/1/2013 6:04:57 AM)


Avacyn's angry because someone swallowed her Worldslayer
Posted By: Silver-Paladin (3/29/2014 6:37:36 PM)


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