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Wow, Timmies really flock to this card. If you attacked with 7 creatures already, your opponent should be dead. If he's not, you're doing it wrong. And that's why this card is just another useless, "win-more" Timmy fodder.
*a-sshole Spike mode off*
Okay, guys, seriously, I don't think this card is worth your time. Just use another strong creature in that slot and your deck should do just fine without relying on this enchantment. It takes way too long to get it online and it's such a dead draw late game, I think you should stay away. Peace!
Posted By: True_Mumin (9/27/2009 2:28:32 AM)


this card requires you to become too vulnerable in order to benefit from the reward. If your attacking steadily and safely enough to complete the quest, you won't need the +5/+5 in the first place.
Posted By: HuntedWumpusMustDie (1/3/2010 10:13:32 AM)


Green for 3 mana, and you need to have 7 instances of 1 creature attacking

So let say the standard green deck:
Turn1 forest + 1 bird of paradise (or llanowar elves)
Turn 2 Forest + Beast master ascension
Turn 3 drop creature A that cost 2 to cast creature and attack with your bird flying (few deck can actually block a flying creature turn 3) 1 token
turn 4 drop a new creature attack with creature A and the bird (3 token)
Turn 5 drop a new creature attack with the last 3 creature (6 token)
Turn 6 drop a new creature attack with all 4 creatures (7 token) so they all gain a boost BEFORE dealing damage.

So turn 6 all your little green creature became huge creature. And don't forget this deck could be considered slow. you could get some dragon fodder that will give you 2 creature to attack with. You could use the new goblin lackey to get an extra creature for next turn, you could get one of those creature that come into play with token, to increase the number of creature you attack with.
Posted By: Sorxores (10/7/2009 3:39:07 PM)


Combo with Thrummingbird, anyone?
Posted By: Lyvyndyr (2/10/2011 7:49:41 PM)


Horrible card. How the hell do 7 creatures attacking not do the job? If this is close to activating then either:
1 - You're 90% likely going to win without it.
2 - Your creatures are dead, mostly.
Posted By: Sidek (2/26/2010 1:54:52 PM)


This set seems extremely lackluster overall but this is one of the few bright spots. It's going to activate on turn 5 or 6 in any deck that runs this thing and it's pretty much game over from there.
Posted By: Laguz (9/25/2009 9:44:50 PM)


the only card from this set that is green or red that deserves to be in my green/red, goblin token/ devour deck (which happens to be the best in three Grades) and to all those who think it takes 7 turns i will put it in simple terms for you for each creature you attack with put a quest counter on the card, NOT just every time you attack so you attack with 3 creatures on turn 4 and attack with 4 creatures on turn five those 4 attacking creatures +5/+5 instantly.
Posted By: 18scsc (10/6/2009 6:42:52 PM)


This works especially well with creatures with haste. You can charge it up more quickly and activate it unexpectedly. Good stuff.
Posted By: Faidite (10/12/2009 5:03:45 AM)


Green weenie deck FTW? Has wonderful synergy with Cobra trap!
Posted By: Designer_Genes (9/26/2009 12:45:16 PM)


By the time this gets into play then gets the counters the game should be just about over.
7x3=21 so with an average damage of 3 per attack it would be. Even 7x2=14 and add in a little damage from spells or creatures cast before putting it into play. Would have been very strong if that 7 counters was a bit lower.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (9/28/2009 2:23:59 PM)


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