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A good Timmy/Spike card. It can work well on a red/green aggro deck with creatures with haste for faster quest counters. For a fun, casual deck, I would use it on red/green weenie with haste creatures and a some Ornithopters, Phyrexian Walkers for faster creatures early in the game. Imagine casting a Raging Goblin and maybe 2 zero-to-cast creatures on a turn. You'll have plenty of attackers later. Just for fun!
Posted By: getz19 (1/1/2010 9:00:49 AM)


As with most high commitment/high reward cards, this one is just made for multiplayer or better yet EDH. It's not at all difficult to get seven elf or goblin or what have you tokens out in such a format, and throwing this card out before an attack will provide enough damage for a killing blow even in 40-life EDH. Vulnerable to spot enchantment destruction, yes, but everything is vulnerable to something in Magic. Doesn't make the card useless.
Posted By: MrPink343 (2/7/2010 4:41:08 PM)


This MIGHT be fine in a token deck (if you swing with 7 tokens in one turn that already triggers the ascension), but you're probably better off just running old overrun.

In any other creature-heavy deck you should be winning or almost winning by the time you get your 7th attacker to swing in.

In a long game like EDH or something, this card has potential, but I don't play EDH so I don't know for sure. But in normal games, this won't do much.
Posted By: mdakw576 (3/7/2010 6:11:28 AM)


One word. Haste. Bloodbraid Cascade is a dominant deck type, and my own variation of it will prove to be nonetheless devastating. Even if they kill a few creatures, some of my creatures like Rip clan crasher and Viashino spearhunter will still pass their attacks through as well as Deadly recluse, Toxic Iguanar and Ember Weaver. Attacking with Deathtouch, First Strike, and Haste is lethal with this card.
Posted By: ChaosInsanist (3/14/2010 12:01:03 AM)


This could do something very cool in standard once Rise of the Eldrazi releases: The spawn tokens can help trigger the quest, and then become 5/6 dudes. ALSO: Khalni Garden helps trigger this. Hey, 0/1's don't have to be chump blockers.
Posted By: Selez (4/6/2010 8:45:00 PM)


Plant tokens and eldrazi spawn go very nicely with this card. Even though they attack for 0 you still get your counter and can be generated quickley enough and are expendable enough to make this a viable stratergy. Also the look on someones face if you rush them with a load of 5/6 tokens should make it worthwhile.
Posted By: philip297 (4/19/2010 1:24:00 PM)


This + old-school saproling deck = FTW
Posted By: OrzhovGhostCouncil (4/20/2010 9:18:05 AM)


These Ascensions are still rather silly.

This particular ascension is not as silly as the Red, Black, or White ones. I say so mostly because this one costs 3 mana. I would say, kind of on the more competitive side, going up in mana cost, 3 mana is the start of significant slots/plays for (most) decks. Two mana is something that a lot more often can be 'spared' but 3 mana is the point of a significant burden on one's mana base.

So this card is silly (not too much in a bad way). All of your creatures get +5/+5 (reminds me of when Door of Destinies came out), however you have to have had 7 creatures attack. That is a fair, doable, nice strategy and all. I sort of frown at the +5 bonus (as far as I'm concerned, +2 is pretty d@mn high) but that is perfectly fine with this card. During the initial, most crucial, turns of a game, a player would have to spend most of that turn getting Beastmaster Ascension on the board. And it comes just late enough... (see all)
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (5/21/2010 7:10:19 AM)


Just so good.
Posted By: Aun (6/3/2010 7:52:58 PM)


I love this card in my Saproling deck. Typically, I drop it when I have 7 creatures and get all the counters at once. A surprise +5/+5 to all 1/1 creatures is usually enough to win the game, since you're attacking with at least 42 power and the opponent probably only expected about 7 or 8 of it.
Posted By: drunyon (6/9/2010 8:31:38 PM)


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