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Community Rating: 3.812 / 5  (93 votes)
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I love this. Compare to Mana Cylix - for one more mana you get a cantrip. And that was the biggest weakness of the Mana Cylix - it's a dead card late in the game once you color base is set up.
Posted By: badmalloc (5/17/2010 9:23:03 AM)


One example of some revolutionary artifacts out of the Zendikar block. This card turns my red dominant jund deck into the fastest, easiest tri-color mana base i know. Seriously, to any deck that needs specific mana and a lil draw early or late game, here's your colorless solution.
5 stars
Posted By: _X_ (5/17/2010 4:56:20 PM)


Better than Chromatic star? Guys, you haven't played against those annoying Tendrils decks that use Yawgmoth's will yet, have you.
Still, pretty decent. Mana Cylix is bad in every way this is good.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (5/20/2010 7:41:09 AM)


This card is really solid, a practical necessity in any multi-colored deck in standard. If people are bombing your mana base with Spreading Seas you can counter it with this guy. The card draw is what makes it exceptional.

Posted By: Gaussgoat (5/21/2010 7:00:16 AM)


This truly is one of the best commons to come out of the set and there were a lot of good commons in the set. Two mana cantrips have never been bad. The ability is extraordinary in three or four color decks with less expensive manabases. It is also occasionally useful in two-color decks. Five stars for a two mana cantripping mana-fixer at common!
Posted By: ZursApprentice (5/22/2010 10:20:10 AM)


This is the glue of multicolored pauper decks.
Hell, it's a nice way to fix mana in Extended. Card draw pushes it to excellent.
Posted By: Evermint (6/22/2010 6:28:27 PM)


This Card Is Awsome Combined With Cards Like Omnath, Locus Of Mana and Shivan Dragon. All you need to do is make all your mana green to store it and then turn it all red to pump your shivin to finish the game, it's Great 5/5
Posted By: Jaimie_Lannister (6/26/2010 12:08:16 PM)


The more i play with card, the more i like it. Its a very subtle effect that does wonders for a deck like Grixis control, which really wants to play lots of cards with stringent mana requirements like Gatekeeper of Malakir. Its also more than ok in Limited, fixing you for that Vendetta splash in your R/G midrange decks.
Posted By: Arkhon_Xa (7/13/2010 6:34:05 PM)


Finally they found the way to make a decent filter artifact. Cantrip was the key. Not a dead card late in the game.
Posted By: don_miguel (7/16/2010 6:28:55 AM)


Esperzoa to bounce this every turn.
Posted By: Eved (7/20/2010 11:08:22 PM)


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