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Community Rating: 3.812 / 5  (93 votes)
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Holy crud; YES! That definitely smacks of Portal. Tell me the artist wasn't thinking of that.

On topic, this is an incredible mana filter. Chromatic Sphere/Star was/were staples in their time, and this does most things better. Drawing a card was what made the Chromatics so great; this does that too, but this is repeatable at no further activation cost. You also draw the card immediately when you play this, so there is not the pressure to crack it that the Chromatics had (not that this would matter...)
You do pay 1 more for the artifact itself, though, and that hurts, especially given that in multicolour aggro decks (which will want to run this to smooth their mana early on), 2 feels like a lot more than 1. In slower games, though, this is almost unquestionably better.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (11/9/2010 3:49:50 PM)


I don't see how it is strictly better than chromatic star, as the star costs 1 less to play.
therefore you could play a multicoloured two drop with it when suffering from mana screw where prophetic lens wouldn't allow you too.

this card should be rated the same however, I use it with master transmuter to give me more draws and help me play big beefy artifacts. would have to be my fav lenz at the moment
Posted By: Ava_Adore (2/10/2011 6:41:54 AM)


Does not have an ability to sacrifice itself and be as cheaply sac'd and recurred with Second Sunrise in an infinite recursion loop to draw your library, therefore is not strictly better than Chromatic Star or Chromatic Sphere. Unless I guess you're afraid of Magnetic Mine, in which case OMG children run for your lives!
Posted By: DacenOctavio (11/22/2011 9:48:35 PM)


Mana fixing at common! Pauper decks love this!
Posted By: Totema (2/18/2012 2:00:41 PM)


@ RafiqTheMiststalker
How is this strictly better than Chromatic Star? Prophetic Prism costs 2 mana to cast; the Star costs 1. That makes a big difference sometimes, especially when you really just need a 1-shot deal to cast a single spell RIGHT NOW, or to gain that extra turn of tempo.

People are getting really sloppy with their use of the term "strictly better".
Posted By: DrJack (8/24/2012 2:57:01 PM)


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