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I will equip this to Hypnotic Specter just to give Nighthawk the finger. i love this equipment.
Posted By: NinjaShadow (1/19/2012 3:49:11 PM)


Wow. And I thought Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile was amazing with just Gorgon Flail!
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (1/29/2010 7:39:16 PM)


Cunning Sparkmage plus This plus Tideforce elemental.. seems really good, the ability to kill three creatures in a turn, gain three life. Also, all three of the cards in this combo are good in other places as well. I like. Interestingly, I have not seen anyone post the comment about Inferno Titan being even more ridiculous with this card, and i am slightly disappointed. SO, Inferno Titan plus basilisk collar makes absolutely nutty situations where I will be killing three of your creatures and plowing into you with my 6+X/6 deathtouching lifelinking bad muther.. SHUT YOUR MOUTH
Posted By: TheSwarm (6/11/2011 7:55:35 AM)


I have a deck using Shard Phoenix, Magma Phoenix, and Bloodfire Colossus. Adding a set of Basalisk Collars to it really pushed that deck
over the edge into awesome territory. Constantly having the option to clear the table of creatures and gain buckets of life in the process (I mainly play casual multiplayer) is pretty sweet. There are so many possibilities a one drop like this brings to the table you could spend days finding killer combos. Great equipment, Johnny approved.
Posted By: FirstPrime (3/5/2012 3:14:03 PM)


This card is great with decks that want to be aggro without having to hold back too much. I use my play-set in my black weenie deck. Turns all my 1/1s into chump killers. Also, do not ignore some combos. Any creature that taps for damage can be lethal with this, and as the people have pointed out, Goblin Sharpshooter makes this absurd.
Posted By: KerosAohco (3/23/2012 10:20:56 AM)


This + Balefire Dragon + Kessig Wolf Run/Rancor = big tramply damage in the air + big deathtouch damage to all your opponents creatures + huge life gain = epic win
Posted By: TitansFTW (3/3/2013 4:36:07 AM)


Yay i finaly found a reason to find a Ajani Goldmane! you bring him up to 6, use the -6 ability, bring out the avatar, equipt this to it and BOOM! a creature that grows with you life total and help your life total grom, so basicaly a creature thats never going to die by damage alone.
Posted By: 99grimangel (2/24/2010 5:56:05 AM)


While I will admit that this card is very powerful, it seems very off flavor-wise to me. Why does a basilisk have lifelink? And why is it being worn by a pit bull??? Waaaay too mundane for Magic.
Posted By: Leonina (1/29/2010 5:24:17 PM)


Woot, instant vampire nighthawk :) Can put it on your 3 drop with flying for awesomness of the nighthawk+whatever else it does :) 5/5 for versatility
Posted By: Behalter (1/31/2010 9:49:41 AM)


My friend once called this a "Noobtubing" card. Putting this on a pinger like the Pyromancer and regardless of actual damage, the monster dies anyway. An incredible way for a burn deck to effortlessly take out monsters without having to waste burns on creatures.
Posted By: TryceMaxwell (3/13/2010 3:01:41 AM)


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