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Spike Shot Elder! Collars Tight
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (12/11/2010 11:17:34 AM)


Cheap and effective, although like most equipment its mostly effective on fatties and does little with smaller creatures.
Posted By: fastpond (1/30/2010 3:36:08 AM)



Sorry to burst your bubble, but trample + Deathtouch does not work as when assigning trample damage, you MUST assign the normal definition of combat damage, before trampling.
Posted By: Noobma45 (8/3/2011 12:50:28 PM)


Deathbringer Thoctar is weeping with glee right about now. Equipped to it, it's like Novablast Wurm with the added effect that you gain a life for each creature it manages to kill.

By tournament standards, this is jank, but I see its potential and want to pick up one or two. It will compliment my two foil Thoctars and my Quietus Spike quite nicely.
Posted By: DonRoyale (1/29/2010 12:35:41 PM)


The abilities on that card don't fit together imho. I mean what to put it on? On a large creature? Why would that need deathtouch? A large creature would kill anything that gets blocked by it anyway. Then on a small creature? Then the life gained is that little that it makes no difference. Not to mention that it does neither help me to kill my opponent faster nor make this creature harder to kill.

I can't imagine ever playing this outside limited.
Posted By: majinara (2/1/2010 3:32:27 AM)


just combo Nemesis Mask & Basilisk Collar
in other words Lure & Venom

The effect of Lure needs a name cuz Venom got effect name of deathtouch
Posted By: Ladwig (1/30/2011 9:31:35 PM)


Too Bad This Thing Dies To Removal!
Posted By: MasterOfEfherium (4/24/2011 4:32:28 PM)


this card is way better then the nighthawk seeing as you can equip this to protection creatures, and as long as they have protection from the right things, they will never take damage, but you will always be the master of life and death.
Posted By: wolfv (1/29/2010 3:40:04 PM)


@Gwafa_Hazid ...... Correct me if I'm wrong, Deathtouch only applies to Combat Damage right? Using a tap ability like Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile wouldn't be considered combat damage.
Posted By: dsbum (2/3/2010 10:31:09 PM)


Fun on Kazandu Blademaster.
Posted By: LTJZamboni (3/1/2010 10:09:09 AM)


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